Horse is booked in for gait analysis tomorrow


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25 February 2016
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Oh she will be! How fab is that. He‘s rickmansworth which is def that direction plus she’s a vet which is a real bonus.

She's very good and had mine trot up a few times before focusing on left hind.

I possibly have the opposite problem in that horse becomes a banana to the left and then looks sound. Straighten her up and she's definitely lame.


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30 September 2011
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Have you tried Rob Jackson? But agree with other posters, if you’ve only had the physio out, I’d always go with a chiro/osteo as well. I’ve had horses with issues that were picked up by one type, but not the other.

if I can recall there was a poster on here a while back with a cob type horse that appeared to have some vet issues, but they couldn’t find anything. Put some effort into working the horse “properly” and it appeared to help the horse


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14 August 2011
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H02 - I won’t do further for now as I have a wealth of info and input and don’t think now is the right time to add to that. Wouldn’t rule it out ofc but we’re doing the Bute trial over the next few weeks and then I’ll re assess. Hoping to get vet chiro out and do rehab type work (equicore, poles, long lining). Now that I’ve done so many vet checks which haven’t identified anything obvious to treat, I continue to think a lot of this is due to wonkiness rather than something that needs vet intervention at this stage.

be positive

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9 July 2011
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Not sure if it has been mentioned but do you see a physio yourself or have a really good instructor working on your straightness? a wonky rider will be contributing to a wonky horse even if it is not the underlying cause.


Well-Known Member
14 August 2011
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Not sure if it has been mentioned but do you see a physio yourself or have a really good instructor working on your straightness? a wonky rider will be contributing to a wonky horse even if it is not the underlying cause.

I do think I’m not helping! I have physio type sessions from the same person who treats finnegan (not the ‘new‘ physio). I am off to an Andy Thomas straightness clinic next weekend so that can be the start of any extra work I need to do. Apparently you get an app and a programme to follow up on after the session.

It seems worse with me. I tried a different horse at the weekend and I was clearly impacting how it went on the left rein as well.


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23 September 2009
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I agree with all of the above comments re. Straightness and possibilities that lack of straightness can make a horse look 'off'.

I would say work with a physio and an osteopath or chiropractor, my chiropractor picks up stuff the physio doesnt and vice versa.

Do you know much in hand work? In hand lateral work is of huge benefit in helping to straighten the horse because you can look at the footfalls and see what is going on and reposition the horse if needed, it's much more difficult to feel the intricacies when riding.

Your horse may have a weakness somewhere but that doesnt necessarily mean lameness. I would also that it is possible to get horses much straighter where it is almost as they have become ambidextrous but if they have an off day or you are teaching them something new it shows up again until they have the new movement sorted
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Well-Known Member
14 August 2011
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Thanks wheels - I confess I don’t, but I know I should do more. With this additional rehab work I will make time for in hand work as well, especially if I’m part of the problem. I’m up tonight briefly so I’ll have a little play around with ground work and see how we go. He will mainly try to eat me as that’s the most fun activity for finnegan! Lots of you tube vids and research, here I come...?


Well-Known Member
23 September 2009
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Thanks wheels - I confess I don’t, but I know I should do more. With this additional rehab work I will make time for in hand work as well, especially if I’m part of the problem. I’m up tonight briefly so I’ll have a little play around with ground work and see how we go. He will mainly try to eat me as that’s the most fun activity for finnegan! Lots of you tube vids and research, here I come...?

There is a great book by Oliver Hilberger called Schooling Exercises in hand - it's a brilliant step by step guide with plenty of photos and illustrations