Hi all, almost 3 weeks ago my boy slid and fell on the lunge.
Immediately git up and was lame on hind. We cold hosed him whilst yard owner called out of hours vet to come check him out as he was pretty sore.
They advised box rest and bute as no obvious injury so suspected sore muscle potential pain from landing. Almost 3 weeks on and although weight-bearing and comfortable in walk only mild lameness he's still quite lame to trot up. They now want him I their hosp to investigate further nerve blocking, scans etc but they don't seem overly worried as there is no heat, swelling etc.
Anyway they can't take him in for another 2 weeks so by then it'll be 5.5 weeks box rest.
Anyone else went through similar and know what it might be? On the day he was a wee bit puffy on stifle but that went away and he's not showing any signs of pain to the touch anywhere, flexing his leg no probs etc.
Immediately git up and was lame on hind. We cold hosed him whilst yard owner called out of hours vet to come check him out as he was pretty sore.
They advised box rest and bute as no obvious injury so suspected sore muscle potential pain from landing. Almost 3 weeks on and although weight-bearing and comfortable in walk only mild lameness he's still quite lame to trot up. They now want him I their hosp to investigate further nerve blocking, scans etc but they don't seem overly worried as there is no heat, swelling etc.
Anyway they can't take him in for another 2 weeks so by then it'll be 5.5 weeks box rest.
Anyone else went through similar and know what it might be? On the day he was a wee bit puffy on stifle but that went away and he's not showing any signs of pain to the touch anywhere, flexing his leg no probs etc.