Horse on box rest - need some tips


Well-Known Member
30 November 2010
South West
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Double soaking is basically after tipping it out the first time, fill it back up again and leave it to soak again! It does take a lot of nutrients out, but for a low calorie belly filling 'toy' it is very good as it has hardly any sugar in it. :) I just supplemented my mare with light work feed to keep her nutrients up.

My vet gave it a big thumbs up to stop her getting fat as that was a huge issue with tendon problems

How long does it need to soak for 2nd time around? My problem is I can't pop back to the yard during the day, so could soak first time for around 11 hours, tip out when I get to the yard and re-soak for an hour or two. Is that worth it or will it make no difference at all?

be positive

Well-Known Member
9 July 2011
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There was some research recently that found the optimum time for reducing the levels was 16 hours, I soak mine for anything from 10 - 20 depending on how organised I am, then rinse well and leave to drain before feeding.


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5 April 2010
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I soak mine from around 5pm the night before and drain it around 7am then the rest stay in tub for the evening hay but my lami mares i take sections out of the drained tub and thoroughly rinse it through to was sugars out , seems to work fine.

depends on your yard here the water is metered and one good filled hay soaker does all at monent...

i do what they suggested here on this site i use the hay soaker then get two metal rods and put this wire basket on top so its hovering over the tub then rinse it through allow to drain then feed.


Well-Known Member
30 November 2010
South West
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Oh I haven't been rinsing it off, oooops. Ok, think I will put it in at night, pour it out in morning, refill do my chores and then pour out again. Do same in morning for evening.

This box rest is hard work!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
24 October 2011
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You bet it is !! into 6th month with my boy. It's a good job we love horses ! How do we find time to work full time ? I sit there with my work colleagues, you know the tyoe, painted nails full make up etc and wonder if I am totally bonkers. I have been in more than one meeting with hay stuck to my suit and a faint smell of mollases in my hair because my lad has insisted on a cuddle before I left him.

Before this box rest session, it would just be a quick pat and carrot over the gate as I left.


Well-Known Member
30 November 2010
South West
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I don't know but I tell you what i'd much rather be with my horse than at work! Some people might think i'm a bit weird but took pics of the injury when I changed the dressing on sat and hope the vet doesn't think i'm weird if I take some when he changes it tonight - think it'll make it easier to track whether its healing or not cos i'm worried and my mind is playing tricks on me!

Good luck with your boy :)