Horse opening his mouth/crossing jaw...

29 July 2005
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Any other options other than trying a grakle? He is a friesian and will hopefully do some dressage at some point but currently trying to get him to keep his mouth still.

All physical checks have been done including teeth which were done last month. I did have him in a NS Verbindend with a french link but have swapped him back into the bit he used to school in in Holland today (single jointed D ring snaffle with copper rollers) and he seems much more steady to the contact in a single jointed bit. I am not usually a fan but happy to go with it if the horse prefers it and it seems he feels more secure in it. I currently ride him in a cavesson with a flash attached but when he opens his mouth he is definitely crossing the jaw, so it doesn't have much effect. I don't really want to go down the grakle route so was
wondering if anyone had anymore ideas or any schooling exercises I can try to help
with this? He doesn't do it all of the time, usually just when walking along on a hack and if I take up a shorter contract but I know he would be penalised for it in a test.


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25 August 2010
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Have you tried without the flash I personally hate them as they clamp the mouth shut, horses then struggle to swallow properly which must be so uncomfortable.

My fussy in the mouth horse prefers a very stable bit so loose rings don't work, he goes nicely in a sweet iron hanging cheek with a lozenge, I would try an eggbut with a lozenge or hanging cheek, or maybe a myler snaffle that has the fixed rings for the cheek pieces and reins to go through, I would also go for a thinner mouth piece as he may have a large tongue so not much room in his mouth.
29 July 2005
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How old is he? Can you just keep him on a longer rein (with a light contact) until he learns to accept it?

He is is 8. I do have a light contact and most of the time he is fine, it's usually if he is feeling a bit 'well' or towards the end of the ride he becomes a bit heavy and starts messing about with it.
29 July 2005
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I think I will give him a go withouth the flash and see what happens. If he is fighting the flash I guess he may actually be more relaxed without it. ?‍♀️