Horse Proofing pups


Well-Known Member
30 November 2003
West Oxfordshire
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Ive been taking Flower up the yard with mw, but she barks and snaps at the horses, so i have to keep her on a lead.
Im hoping to enrol her in the next set of training classes to teach her to stay, and she does stay at my side all the time, she doesnt run off, but id like her to be able to come in the field and sit by the school, without her constant yapping!
Any tips??
She is 12 weeks old, and a labXretreiverXalstation


Situation normal
1 July 2004
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The constant yapping has probably got a lot to do with nerves. She probably needs to build her confidence up in a safe environment - and personally I wouldn't take her anywhere near the horses. Just leave her in the car to see them from a distance.

We have a 6month old GS - who would run a mile from the horses as a little pup. She is now pretty confident around them and doesn't bark anymore at them.

She lives on the farm with the horses, so the situation is somewhat different.


Well-Known Member
6 November 2003
The Sodden Cotswolds
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Personally I dont like having dogs at yards unless they are dogs that have grown up around horses - ie on a farm

If she is snapping at horses then I would deffo leave her at home for now as something untoward could happen (horse OR dog injury)

I dont take tots to the yard at all - I used to when I was at M's and she would poo pick with me - I had her on a long lead attached to the wheelbarrow until I knew she would stay at heel with me, or come immediately back to call - lucky thing is she is very weary of horses so gives them a wide berth and sticks to my leg like glue!


Well-Known Member
17 June 2006
My pet hate horses and dogs that are not horse savvy. My woody is pretty good except for when the farrier is here and it is so dangerous to have three or four dogs all around the horses in between their legs and the farriers while he's trying to do a job. The lad I share the yard with is terrible with his lab puppy which is not trained at all - it does not get out of the way of the horses, will steal you brushes, hand off horses tails and generally is a pain in the arse but they think because it will eventually come when you call it then it is fine - watch in horror yesterday as the farrier nearly reversed his van over it to be saved only because we saw and shouted to him to stop as spencer would not come when we tried to call him out of the way.

IMHO no dog should be left loose on a yard until it is vehicle and horse proof.