10 April 2023 #1 S Slightlyconfused Go away, I'm reading Joined 18 December 2010 Messages 11,138 Visit site If a dealer sends a horse from there yard to the sales which ones would they use in the south east/ home countys?
If a dealer sends a horse from there yard to the sales which ones would they use in the south east/ home countys?
10 April 2023 #2 The Xmas Furry 🦄 🦄 Joined 24 November 2010 Messages 29,608 Location Ambling amiably around........ Visit site There are not any regular auction sale rings in the SE any more as far as I'm aware. Ascot has blood stock sales.
There are not any regular auction sale rings in the SE any more as far as I'm aware. Ascot has blood stock sales.