Horse suddenly bullying field mate at the gate


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16 September 2022
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Just wondering if anyone has any ideas why my horse has suddenly become aggressive with another horse at the gate at bring in time?

There’s never really been an obvious herd ranking up until now and she’s always been a really sociable, friendly horse with others, and in particular has been inseparable from this one mare. Over the last couple of weeks though, she’s been getting aggressive with this horse at the gate (biting, threatening to kick her) and I have no idea what’s causing it - seems to have come out of the blue. They’ve been getting brought in together through winter but it’s only become a problem the last couple of weeks, but not every day.

Grass has started to grow so she’s never waiting to come in when I go to get them (so isn’t desperate to come in because she’s hungry), and she’s getting plenty of turnout/exercise. The whole herd happily grazes together during the day, it’s just every few days at bring in.

Any ideas on what could be causing this, and any advice on how to deal with it until they can all stay out 24/7 and come in separately? Thanks


Well-Known Member
27 October 2020
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Does the behaviour look aggressive or just dominant?
Biting and threatening to kick aren't necessarily aggressive. You say there isn't an obvious herd ranking but there will be dynamics going on that you don't know about and herd order can be constantly up for grabs. It might not even be to do with your mare but could be about the other one. Sometimes just a herd member getting older can be enough to start a challenge, especially if there isn't a strong leader. Your mare might just be asserting her own importance because she is having to leave the field for the night.


Einstein would be proud of my Insanity...
30 January 2015
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I answered on your other thread, but as this is a hormonal kind of mare and this is the first time you have owned her when she has had a first season, my money is on this being the fairly normal strong reaction that hormonal mares get to the first season of the year.