Well-Known Member
How is the pony doing ?
He’s well thank you, big bandage on his face poor soul 2 week box rest which I’m not looking forward to but will be worth it!How is the pony doing ?
Awhh bless.He’s well thank you, big bandage on his face poor soul 2 week box rest which I’m not looking forward to but will be worth it!
He’s munching away no problem & has tried to rub it a few times but nothing major hopefully no issues ?? I know & at least the weathers pretty rotten don’t feel too bad lol xAwhh bless.
How is he eating and Is he rubbing yet ?
Two weeks will soon go, and it's great it's this time of year as no flies x x
Thank you I’m really hoping so ?? Back out Christmas Day lol xAww, glad he’s doing well ? My girl refused to eat her hay for 3 days - she had to have 4 sloppy fast fibre feeds a day instead. Two weeks will soon pass ?
Great thank you, been eating well so far! Hoping for speedy recovery ??My mare has had 4 out in 2 different surgeries. I am not in the UK so cost is not comparable, but I can give you hope that for us the recovery period was fairly short and without complications. Make sure that you have some grass cubes in just in case the horse does not manage well on hay. We started with 7 small feeds a day of grass cubes mixed with spillers high fibre cubes soaked in water, breakfast and supper had oats and muesli, with the muesli being soaked in boiling water in advance. She has now progressed to eating chaff, but still not too much hay. That having been said mine is very difficult to keep the weight on, so with a good doer you may have it easier. Good luck and glad the surgery went well.
Definitely, he’s already much more comfortable with his face being touched will be a big relief for him xWell he’s going to be a lot better after that is out .
I had a horse with a complicated congenital malformed tooth .
He went in to vet uni and the quote was 2 to 10k depending on what happened I think it was 2.5 ish