Hey everyone, I’ve asked about this before however didn’t really get to the root of the issue and things only seem to be getting worse. I am currently loaning a horse who although will go almost perfectly on her own, anytime I’m in the arena with someone else she will refuse to go on the left rein and will yank my shoulder and turn in, to the point I can’t even get her on the track. I’ve already asked the owner about pain as I though it was really weird that it was only on the left however they have said it was purely behavioural and that the horse is instead taking advantage of me. I had someone take a look at her and they said that her hind end is under muscled which could be causing unbalance and making her want to turn in, side note: she does have a bad left hind leg which swells up frequently but is under control atm with cold hosing and exercise. Honestly sick of fighting with her on the daily because I’m not winning, does anyone have any thoughts on why she’s turning in/ how to prevent it?