Horses getting cast


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20 April 2023
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Just looking for some advice really… I have a 13.3hh cob who is a little sod. He has a really annoying habit of kicking his banks down but then he rolls and recently has started to get stuck (cast) in his stable.

I’ve tried making his banks a bit higher and a bit wider to try and keep him away from the wall but he still tends to kick it down. It is always on the same side of his stable and I just don’t know why.

Does anyone have any advice on this matter on how I can help prevent him from getting cast or how I can make it easier for him to get un-stuck if he does manage it again 🤦🏻‍♀️


Einstein would be proud of my Insanity...
30 January 2015
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I don't like banks, I think they just make the stable smaller. They don't, imo, stop a horse getting cast, they just fill in the otherwise empty triangle between the body/legs and the wall.

Is he kicking the bank down, then rolling? Or kicking the bank away trying to get out of being cast? Either way the banks aren't working so I would remove them.

Make sure you don't put him in the stable hot after work, or wet.

If all else fails, you could try an anti cast roller.



Well-Known Member
22 August 2020
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I don't use banks. My horse got cast a few weeks after I bought him 6 years ago. I bought some strips to put on the walls. He didn't get cast again until a few weeks ago. I could see on the wall where he had got purchase on the strips, so they do work.