Horses of a lifetime


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20 April 2004
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Yes, I had one 15 years ago who I looked after for a friend for a few years and was then sold to someone else as my family was going through a tough time and we could not afford to buy him ourselves. He was truly perfect (pictured below aged 26). I was devastated. I continued in the horsey world and never truly got over it (I've had chestnuts ever since!). I managed to track him down 2 years ago, he is the grand old age of 26 now and was even offered him back a few months ago as his owner is having some problems. He is returning to my friend who I looked after him for as she is in an excellent position now to offer him a wonderful home to live out the rest of his days and she is local to me so I can see him lots. He is due to move next Spring. Having said that, my current boy is the most important thing in my life and is special in a different way to me, he's not so much a perfect pony i.e. perfect at everything, but he is truly unique and my everything.



Well-Known Member
3 July 2006
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SSM - honey she was a babe in a million - she trusted you 100% - even through the mill on that first time - she sed what ever mummy wants I will try and do - god bless her and take care of SSM#2, she will live on ....