Horses poss stolen - Bampton, OX18


Well-Known Member
6 November 2003
The Sodden Cotswolds
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2 horses are missing from their field, presumed stolen - owner noticed they were gone yesterday I believe. No further info but have had it confirmed by the Police that the owner has notified them of the possible theft.


Well-Known Member
26 February 2003
SW Scotland
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From Thames Valley Horsewatch.

Stolen from Bampton 4th/5th Feb 2010.
EMMA 15.2 piebald mare, 12 years old. Scars to both hind legs, unshod. "Difficult" with back legs.Was wearing a grey and red rug with neck cover.

FRANKIE, Shetland gelding bay/black age unkownd. Also unshod. Was wearing a light blue rug.

Neither horse freeze branded or micro chipped. Photos to follow.

Crime Reference Number JG3519013/10 Any info please to
Thames Valley Police on 08458 505 505


Well-Known Member
24 June 2008
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such a shame, those poor ponies. I lived in Bampton until recently and had a coloured mare whom I promptly had freezed marked when we moved there! however my tack wasnt as lucky! as I had every single item I owned stolen, saddle stubben bridle, the lot but our shed wasnt secure so what did I expect!! taught me a very vauable lesson.

Hope the owner recovers their pets. I presume it was the ones by the doctors surgery?


Well-Known Member
6 November 2003
The Sodden Cotswolds
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Yes it was the ones by the doctors surgery. I am in Black Bourton, we had all of our tack stolen last year too


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1 December 2001
West Midlands, UK
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now on stolen horse register with pic

'Emma & Frankie'
Crime Ref: JG3519013/10

Breed COB
Gender Mare
Description / Comments Emma:
Sex: Mare
height: 15.2hh
Breed: Cob
Colour: Piebald

Sex: Gelding
Colour: Bay/Black
Breed: Shetland

None have Microchips or Freezemarked
Colour Brown
and White
Height 15.2 HH
Age Unknown
Stolen from Landells Bampton, oxfordshire.

Any info call Carterton police station, 07815 591315 or Farmkey 0870 870 7107
Date of Theft 04-02-2010
Region Stolen Horse Register
Tel: 0870 870 7107


Active Member
9 February 2010
west oxfordshire
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We have posters up everywhere and have posted a site on facebook now, I have sent the posters all over the country so hoping we will hear something soon as the owners are very distressed, the horses will be heartbroken to be parted
I have moved my coloured out so the village to a friends far away now for safety.. Please if you know anything at all let us know on the above number or they owners number which is 07979837168.

The Virgin Dubble

Well-Known Member
19 March 2003
On my sofa
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Beeston Sales are on tomorrow (Weds 10th Feb).

Posters of missing horses do get posted in the main office, but often, horses are sold straight from the wagon, so it might be worth contacting them, just in case...

Office: 01829 262100
Fax: 01829 262110
Auctioneer: Alastair Brown - 07831 395167


Active Member
9 February 2010
west oxfordshire
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I am aware of that
but at least they have something the thieves don't have, like i said they also have photos with the date on, not wrote on printed on by the camera.. hopefully it will be enough..


Well-Known Member
6 September 2009
middle england
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hi not alot of people look on the stolen horse register put them on dragon driveing just in case some one sees them for sale .the mare could be sold for breeding ,the horse thiefs have scanners now days so they know whos not chipped .and they only need a photo to apply for a gypsy cob society passport ,that they would have applied for week before stealing the horses,not saying thats your case but its what they do . oxford seems to be a hot spot for horse theifs is there a big coloured horse breeder in your area who needs mares to use for breeding some where you cant have a nosie around as they are well hidden ?


Well-Known Member
29 November 2007
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I feel so sorry for the owners but also a little bit frustrated why on earth anyone would own a coloured mare and NOT either freezemark or microchip them?

Its not at all their fault theyve been stolen! but please please everyone, its not hard to work out from stolen horse reports that coloured mares and shetlands that will easily be hidden in the back of a transit are the most popular horses for a certain sector of a certain community to target.

So if you have one, and it isnt chipped or freezemarked, please do it today to save this heartache.

The Virgin Dubble

Well-Known Member
19 March 2003
On my sofa
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I feel so sorry for the owners but also a little bit frustrated why on earth anyone would own a coloured mare and NOT either freezemark or microchip them?

Its not at all their fault theyve been stolen! but please please everyone, its not hard to work out from stolen horse reports that coloured mares and shetlands that will easily be hidden in the back of a transit are the most popular horses for a certain sector of a certain community to target.

So if you have one, and it isnt chipped or freezemarked, please do it today to save this heartache.

[/ QUOTE ]

Freezemarks and microchips are great if your horse gets out or goes missing, but thieves are not put off by them at all.
They sell them on quickly through sales or to an unsuspecting member of the public, and walk away with their cash.


Active Member
9 February 2010
west oxfordshire
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I was just going to say the same, a certain breed of people in most counties will steal a horse no matter what you do to them, these horses are family pets and so I would imagine it was not something they really thought about, I have spoken to many people over the last few days and they all same the same, if 'those' people want them they will take them even if you dye them pink, they would dye them another colour !!!!

My main concern is get them back and i have been trying to get posters out to everyone, so please if you are able to put a poster anywhere for me please give me your email addy so i can send you one

the watcher

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4 November 2004
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I feel so sorry for the owners but also a little bit frustrated why on earth anyone would own a coloured mare and NOT either freezemark or microchip them?

Its not at all their fault theyve been stolen! but please please everyone, its not hard to work out from stolen horse reports that coloured mares and shetlands that will easily be hidden in the back of a transit are the most popular horses for a certain sector of a certain community to target.

So if you have one, and it isnt chipped or freezemarked, please do it today to save this heartache.

[/ QUOTE ]

Freezemarks and microchips are great if your horse gets out or goes missing, but thieves are not put off by them at all.
They sell them on quickly through sales or to an unsuspecting member of the public, and walk away with their cash.

[/ QUOTE ]

Dubs I really have to challenge that. This kind of mindset is used by the lazy who cannot be bothered to protect their horses. The reality is that very few freezemarked horses are stolen, have a 100% recovery rate and Farmkey are very close to that. What other crime prevention/recovery scheme can boast those figures?


Active Member
9 February 2010
west oxfordshire
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Ok so these horses where not freeze branded or chipped ... all i want is to do my best to get them back.. please could you ask eveyone to look out for them. its to late to chip or freeze brand them now but if and when they return i am sure the owner will do this straight away..Jules

The Virgin Dubble

Well-Known Member
19 March 2003
On my sofa
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I feel so sorry for the owners but also a little bit frustrated why on earth anyone would own a coloured mare and NOT either freezemark or microchip them?

Its not at all their fault theyve been stolen! but please please everyone, its not hard to work out from stolen horse reports that coloured mares and shetlands that will easily be hidden in the back of a transit are the most popular horses for a certain sector of a certain community to target.

So if you have one, and it isnt chipped or freezemarked, please do it today to save this heartache.

[/ QUOTE ]

Freezemarks and microchips are great if your horse gets out or goes missing, but thieves are not put off by them at all.
They sell them on quickly through sales or to an unsuspecting member of the public, and walk away with their cash.

[/ QUOTE ]

Dubs I really have to challenge that. This kind of mindset is used by the lazy who cannot be bothered to protect their horses. The reality is that very few freezemarked horses are stolen, have a 100% recovery rate and Farmkey are very close to that. What other crime prevention/recovery scheme can boast those figures?

[/ QUOTE ]

Sorry MH, I didn't mean to give the impression that that freezemarking and microchipping horses is pointless. Far from it. I cannot think of a better deterrent, and I agree that the success rates speak for themselves.

I was just trying to point out that while freezemarking and micro chipping might have a good recovery rate, and will deter the majority of people, they won't deter a determined thief who can make a quick easy buck in the same way that trailer and car thieves do...
They don't steal to keep, and they couldn't care less that the items will generally be returned to their rightful owners, as long as they have their cash.
In fact, one dodgy dealer 'allegedly' justified selling on stolen horses, on the grounds that the horses would end up returned to their rightful owner anyway.


Well-Known Member
4 September 2009
South Wales
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I was at a horse sale once and I asked a dealer out of curiosoty,how do they et horses and ponies out of the country without passports,he told me,oh we get them the same day.I walked away disgusted.
I dont like dealers nor these scumbags who go around thieving!!!


Well-Known Member
24 June 2008
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I really am going to put the "cat amonst the pigeons" after living in the village with a coloured horse for some time and being asked by a certain grroup of people (and yes anyone comimg from the village will know who i am talking about!!!!) if i "tracked "the horse. I take it they meant did I drive her.

I informed the police as my horse was kept a stones throw from this permanent site! and as I said earler I had all my tack stolen.
Far be it for me to point a finger but when my tack missing went it was the first thing the police asked if I had any thoughts on who may have stolen it.

i really do wish the owners every success in finding these ponies. I know everyone is going on about freeze marking/micro chipping, not alot of use now! every one needs to concentrate on getting them back.
but you just never know someone somewhere may just reconise this ponies and this may just have a happy ending. I do hope so


Well-Known Member
1 December 2006
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Oh dear. The two types of horses most targetted by the "ethnic minority" that maxweg refers to. I do hope they turn up safely and soon.