
Well-Known Member
22 November 2005
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with the greatest respect i started this to talk about people hound pups if you want to argue to and throw with ZigZagZig can you all please revert to one of the other hunting posts already ruined by him rather than ruining another.

I now have pics of my hound pups just cant gte them onto the darn comp


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11 March 2009
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Absolutely none. As you know, I would never go hunting or have anything to do with it.

But I still know more about hunting than you.

Dont worry, I have and you are 100% correct in your opening post. Anybody who would like to debate the issue can. Need any help zigzagzig I am here for you. Love your work :eek:))


Well-Known Member
11 March 2009
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I hope you're not suggesting that hunts never shoot young hounds because they're useless at hunting, combat_claire. If you are, you'll be in great danger of joining the Bradshaw Porky Pie Club...

That is exactly what she has joined lol lol lol I dont know who she thinks she is posting to on this forum because some of us are a lot closer to this issue than she can ever imagine and dislike it immensly. However, we do not get worked up about it and do not let it affect our genuine friendships away from the subject of hunting!!!


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11 March 2009
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So ZigZag if you dont like hunting why come on this section of the forum making a complete a**hole of yourself, no one is interested in the crap you post on here.

Reported to admin for the above post! I dont know who you think you are talking to another member of this forum in such a way.
This is a hunting forum but please direct me to where it states it is "Pro Hunting"???!!!


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18 April 2009
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Yet I find some of your posts mildly offensive and I wonder why you are also speaking to members of the forum in such a way to antagonise them ..
And seen as it is 'horseandhound' do you not think it is more a 'prohunting' forum?! Indeed it is not stated but surely one gets the subtle tone that it is most likely to have 'prohunting' views..
Anyway I digress, seen as the topic is about hound puppies ..Je suis desole


Well-Known Member
20 March 2009
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If zz and sl thinbk it is wrong to have a post about puppies without it having to be about the hunting debate i can't see how they can be stopped.

best just to ui them if you just want to talk about the pups?


Well-Known Member
24 February 2009
The West Country
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I think the best thing would be to simply not respond to their comments, they like most bullies only want a reaction which we are giving them. If they receive no replies to their deliberately controversial remarks they will get bored eventually.


Well-Known Member
11 March 2009
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Yet I find some of your posts mildly offensive and I wonder why you are also speaking to members of the forum in such a way to antagonise them
And seen as it is 'horseandhound' do you not think it is more a 'prohunting' forum?! Indeed it is not stated but surely one gets the subtle tone that it is most likely to have 'prohunting' views..
Anyway I digress, seen as the topic is about hound puppies ..Je suis desole

This forum is not pro hunting, a now banned blood sport. Perhaps you should set up your own forum about hunting if you wish, a history one as it is in the past.
Now, until we all as members state whether we are pro or anti I shall believe that because the massive majority want nothing to do with the hunting side of this forum they are not into hunting.

ps Dont like my posts, then dont read them. Its a forum for discussion for heavens sake!


Well-Known Member
11 March 2009
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If zz and sl thinbk it is wrong to have a post about puppies without it having to be about the hunting debate i can't see how they can be stopped.

best just to ui them if you just want to talk about the pups?

Who said it is wrong to have a thread about puppies? You are making things up bud :eek:)
What is obvious is that firstly if you are going to talk about "hunt pups", many will be destroyed once not as cute and fluffy as they are now being described.
Secondly. If it was just a puppy discussion it should have been posted on the relevant forum. However, it has clearly been posted on the hunting section and as such it is fair for all sides to comment unless some of the posters on this thread cannot quite work that out! lol lol lol


Well-Known Member
11 March 2009
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I think the best thing would be to simply not respond to their comments, they like most bullies only want a reaction which we are giving them. If they receive no replies to their deliberately controversial remarks they will get bored eventually.

Bullies??? PMSL refusal to accept another point of view, different from yours without getting all paraniod and upset, without saying "lets not talk to them", is all playground stuff.
I think you should be on bebo. My children are :eek:)

rosie fronfelen

Well-Known Member
5 February 2009
welsh hills!
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you scratch are a very unpleasant person of limited intellect, reading all these other posts you obviously are only out to upset and abuse everyone's opinions, you consider your views to be the only worthwhile ones whereas they spout rubbish. your views in particular on the hound puppy thread are particularly nasty, totally uncalled for when other people enjoy the rearing of these animals,myself included. the hunting season is now over, time now to have an enjoyable summer, with pups, or not pups, but for god's sake get off your high horse and leave everyone alone-


Well-Known Member
29 February 2004
I hope you're not suggesting that hunts never shoot young hounds because they're useless at hunting, combat_claire. If you are, you'll be in great danger of joining the Bradshaw Porky Pie Club...

That is exactly what she has joined lol lol lol I dont know who she thinks she is posting to on this forum because some of us are a lot closer to this issue than she can ever imagine and dislike it immensly. However, we do not get worked up about it and do not let it affect our genuine friendships away from the subject of hunting!!!

I have made up my mind based on what I have seen in various hunt kennels around the locality - I don't deny that hounds are sometimes put down, but you make it sound like some daily massacre that happens after morning exercise. I object to be being branded a liar for daring to contradict your idea of what happens in kennels.


Well-Known Member
26 March 2009
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Every year hunts enter the new hounds into the pack. But the packs aren't getting bigger, so where do the old hounds go? They can't all die of natural causes. Literally thousands of hounds are shot each year, even though they're healthy.


Well-Known Member
11 March 2009
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you scratch are a very unpleasant person of limited intellect, reading all these other posts you obviously are only out to upset and abuse everyone's opinions, you consider your views to be the only worthwhile ones whereas they spout rubbish. your views in particular on the hound puppy thread are particularly nasty, totally uncalled for when other people enjoy the rearing of these animals,myself included. the hunting season is now over, time now to have an enjoyable summer, with pups, or not pups, but for god's sake get off your high horse and leave everyone alone-

Maybe you would like to put yours and my intelligence levels to the the test. When you have finished with the personal attacks that is? :eek:)


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29 April 2009
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What is obvious is that firstly if you are going to talk about "hunt pups", many will be destroyed once not as cute and fluffy as they are now being described.

I think hunts have always been very open and honest about what happens to their hounds. It isn't quite as black and white as you want people to believe.

I'm very much looking forward to you all seeing some pics of our retired ex hunting hounds, theres also a young chap who didn't make the grade, and another youngster who picked up a injury so couldn't hunt anymore. We are by no means unique, there are lots of us out there that give ex hunting hounds a happy retirement but we dont all shout it form the rooftops. And of course theres hound pups that we walk every year.

rosie fronfelen

Well-Known Member
5 February 2009
welsh hills!
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scratcharse,(more fitting!) i had put you on ignore but you've reared up again, never mind, i'll press the button harder once i've written this! i finished school many years ago and with it intelligence tests- i hold by what i say, you are a lowlife insulting all that dare to disagree with you, i'm not creeping around you so as not to insult you, no, sod it- your vile assumptions on killing hounds and pups are unfounded, rubbish and hence uncalled for- especially lol!!pathetic,childish text.anyway, i'm off to the button.(save you practising typing more inane crap!)


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29 April 2009
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I couldn't give you a acurate figure for the one I currently follow as this is my first full season with them, I know that the huntsman will select certain meets for some of the older hounds making it easier for them to follow (remember of course with a older hound comes knowledge, and they can train a young hound far easier than any human).

It does of course vary one year to the next, it's not simply a case of once they hit 6 (a number I've heard some anti hunt people say) they are put to sleep. I've seen 11 year olds hunting before now.

3 seasons I worked directly involved with hounds, we put down 10, these were all older hounds that just couldn't make the switch to hunting a drag. One of those had had a stroke and it wouldn't have been fair to let her go to a home.

In 7 seasons in hunt service, not one youngster was put down because it wouldn't hunt, some were slower starters and were left another season or two to come right. There are very few hunts (I personally dont know of any) that dont give their young hounds time.


Well-Known Member
11 March 2009
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scratcharse,(more fitting!) i had put you on ignore but you've reared up again, never mind, i'll press the button harder once i've written this! i finished school many years ago and with it intelligence tests- i hold by what i say, you are a lowlife insulting all that dare to disagree with you, i'm not creeping around you so as not to insult you, no, sod it- your vile assumptions on killing hounds and pups are unfounded, rubbish and hence uncalled for- especially lol!!pathetic,childish text.anyway, i'm off to the button.(save you practising typing more inane crap!)

Best you do put me back on ignore ( after taking me off PMSL at you!), before that potty little mouth you are unable to control gets you into real trouble! :eek:))