How alike are you and your horse personality wise?


Well-Known Member
24 August 2005
One is, one isn't!

Both have to always be doing something otherwise we just get irritable.

He's constantly thinking one step ahead and is a quick leaner -not sure if this one is me!

we're both very sociable

we'll both sulk and throw paddys if we doesn't want to do something.


Well-Known Member
17 October 2006
south west
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Don't think we are that similar, but they say opposites attract!

How many look like their horse? When i was at college there was one girl who looked just like human version of her horse, and come to think of it personality wise as well, loads of people commented on it!

There was one lad who was quite tall and stocky with quite a lot of hair, also really lazy and he bought a horse, you guessed it, tall, stocky, hairy, lazy!!!


Well-Known Member
14 July 2005
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I couldn't think of how we are alike at all at first but then it occurred to me that both of us....

only put 100% into things we like doing (mostly hunting and jumping)
find dressage boring and difficult!
self contained - we are happy to chat nicely to people but just as content to enjoy our own company
never truly smart however hard we try
hair that doesn't do tidy
like eating without people/dogs interfering
are polite


Well-Known Member
15 November 2005
Norf Zummerset
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Very, almost too much sometimes, it can cause paddies between the two of us!! We are both perfectionists and get frustrated when we can't do something/ just get frustrated easily! A little while ago I was trying to shut a gate and he didn't understand what was being asked of him and kept trying to push it open. You could quite literally see the conversation according my friend
Other than that, we both have a sweet tooth, don't mind being on are own for a while but hate it it long term, love to doze, like having fun, love to jump and probably one or two more


Well-Known Member
6 November 2004
North East Scotland
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Well with my welsh cob, I think its a love hate relationship. I love him to pieces and when we're on good terms he really shows his affection (I get lots of cuddles!), but we both have short fuses (he's a typical bolshy welsh cob-sod!) so get really peed off with each other too! I think we're very alike, we're both stubborn and both like to get our own way.


Well-Known Member
21 January 2004
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Most of my geldings are similar to me; Oscar is probably the one I connect with the most.

Oscar is very laid back however he doesn't suffer fools gladly! I suspect I am slightly more vocal than him though as he knows his place in the world is being a horse and not a human.

He is a sorrel quarter horse and apparently his flaxen tail and my long blonde ponytail look like one when I am riding him LOL!!

Things I do, just make sense to Oscar. He understands me totally and I him.

He is not at all worried or concerned about anything in life. He muddles on, just like me, and nothing bothers him greatly.

Oscar is a very smart horse, he doesn't seem to get messy like some of the others. I really dislike being scruffy, even if all I am doing is mucking around with horses.

His mane always looks like it has just been brushed - just like mine, I reckon I could go for a days without brushing my hair and it would always look sleek and well-kept.

Oscar is not a worrier, he doesn't care what people think of him, he's easy-going so long as you don't majorly pee him off.

I don't ever recall having an argument with Oscar in the 2 years I've owned him - we are a unit.

I don't know if he loves me, I suspect horses are not capable of this emotion - and I don't know if I love him, but we sure as heck have a fabulous relationship and I would never want to be without him for the foreseeable future.....hence turning down a very impressive and unprecedented offer on him a couple of months ago.

I think I will have Oscar for many many years.


Well-Known Member
2 January 2006
Just up from that street on the right.....
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Generally no regard for rules but get upset if we do something bad
IUssues with speed and control - we both like to be in it but never really are.
We both think farting is funny(yes my horse laughs)
Neith particularly keen on Polos
Tend to barge in at the wrong moment
Good at putting foot in it
Generally a pain in the As%
We like to be mischevious
And to a degree we are probably a bit scared of each other and yet have nutual respect

Oh and we both have rather shapely rear ends, long bodies,rather short legs
