How are you all coping with frozen water?


Well-Known Member
27 June 2007
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Luckily YO has a utility room via another entrance to her house which she kindly lets us use. Problem is the bucket doesn't fit in the sink so I take a feed scoop and fill them via that. Having a real problem with the cold weather as Orkan refuses to drink at the moment and is dehydrated so is in for the night with a large trug of water that I took the chill off.....

It is worrying in this weather when they aren't drinking much.

Moggy in Manolos

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8 March 2006
South Glos
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I would hate to be carting water up. Those of you paying livery, do you not feel it's your YO's duty to provide you with water? If your YO lives on site, why are you filling containers up from home? Do they not have water in their homes?

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Yes, I do feel its the YO's duty personally but often everything is frozen even into the afternoon lately

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Even in the YO's house?

I wouldn't want liveries walking through my home, don't get me wrong, but I would fill up containers for their use IF this was the only option for running water on site.

It wouldn't come to that for us as we are a working dairy farm. We have underground plumbed pipes into the parlour and dairy, plus a hot water boiler in the dairy. IF the taps in the stable block do freeze (and I hope they don't) we would have access to water up there. Put it this way...if the dairy's supply froze, I'd be in trouble in the house!

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Not been inside the house, only tap that will work if defrosted is the tap outside their house, all others on yard are beyond defrosting it seems.
Oh how I miss where I grew up, we have mutiple running streams through our land, fantastic, instant water which they always had access to.


Well-Known Member
25 March 2008
2nd star on the right and straight on 'til morning
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I ve got a drainage pipe coming off the field shelter thats filling a large barrel, so most days the sun has melted sufficient to enable me to fill the tub in his field shelter. I ve also been taking a water carrier full of hot water up the field most days, but I can get the 4WD almost to ther field so it not been too bad a job.

I ve banked up old manky hay thats been on floor a few days around the water bucket and thats kept it unfrozen most days.


Well-Known Member
14 April 2007
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We are defrosting the tap outside YO's house every morning and night with kettles of water. (Given up on the one in the stable yard). Then dragging containers up to the water troughs to keep them topped up. Hard work but I know others have it a lot worse, at least we've got the tap there.