How are you involved with horses without owning one?

Ginger Mare

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24 April 2017
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I sold my last horse a few years ago and for the first time in my adult life I was horseless. I relocated and focussed on my career for a couple of years, then coronavirus happened. After things started to open up I started periodically hacking at a local(ish) centre but this is still over an hour away and it seems that there aren't any places offering hacking close to me. I also miss the one to one with a horse rather than just handing them back at the end which felt very odd for the first few times! I do sometimes miss having my own but I also enjoy other hobbies too and having always been DIY in the past, I know how they take over your life. Also, I sometimes have other things on at the weekends so I'm not sure a formal share would work with fixed days either. So is anyone still involved with horses and riding without having your own? Does anyone have an ad hoc riding arrangement? If so, how did you come across this? How else are you involved without a formal share agreement?


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17 February 2011
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I have my own (too many) but also have a few friends who ride them sometimes. One is more formal in that she comes at weekends unless she’s away and it’s fine by me if she can’t make it. Another rides probably twice a week when she can, it doesn’t really matter which days, and I have two suitable horses she can choose between. People wanting a sharer probably do it for a combination of financial help and to give the horse more work, whereas for me it helps me a bit to have them ridden but doesn’t really matter. Perhaps find someone like me where the lack of commitment isn’t a problem? Do you know local horsy people who might welcome you to ride? Without knowing you - it would help if you’re a decent rider who can be trusted and doesn’t need help tacking up and so on - I don’t want to have to do this for someone, and worry about whether they can cope with a solo hack.

Ginger Mare

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24 April 2017
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I have my own (too many) but also have a few friends who ride them sometimes. One is more formal in that she comes at weekends unless she’s away and it’s fine by me if she can’t make it. Another rides probably twice a week when she can, it doesn’t really matter which days, and I have two suitable horses she can choose between. People wanting a sharer probably do it for a combination of financial help and to give the horse more work, whereas for me it helps me a bit to have them ridden but doesn’t really matter. Perhaps find someone like me where the lack of commitment isn’t a problem? Do you know local horsy people who might welcome you to ride? Without knowing you - it would help if you’re a decent rider who can be trusted and doesn’t need help tacking up and so on - I don’t want to have to do this for someone, and worry about whether they can cope with a solo hack.

Thank you for your reply. Where I relocated I don't know anyone involved with horses locally unfortunately which makes it more difficult. Having owned my own in the past I can do all of the usual care side of things and I am not adverse to helping with chores or financially. I just don't necessarily want to be tied into set days as this is part of the reason that I haven't bought my own at the moment.


Novice equestrian, accomplished equichetrian
8 December 2017
Seine et Oise, France
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I don't own a horse, and it's quite unlikely that I ever will. I have a lesson every Saturday, and go on longer rides (half day, full day, weekends or week long) from time to time.

Usually I help out a bit after my weekly lesson, feeding, and sometimes I go up to walk a horse that's on box rest during the week.

The yard is about 400 metres up the road and I've been working from home since "it" was unleashed. So going to help out is both convenient and helpful for me: it gets me out of my home office and I see horses (and people).

This afternoon I went out to the letterbox to find a young woman sitting on her horse on the grass verge right outside my gate: she couldn't get back into the yard because the lorry was there to take away the muck heap. So I stayed there, chatting with her and petting her horse's nose.

There are days when I think I live in paradise.
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2 August 2010
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When I shared, I didn't have set days we jjust worked it week by week depending on work commitments.

Have You thought of volunteering at rda or local riding club? You might be surprised what you find word of mouth


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10 February 2011
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I found someone who wanted help exercising their hunters over winter, they were happy for me to come when I could and no problem if I couldn't due to work/other commitments, just as long as I turned up when I said I would.
Ended up doing fittening and fast work on their point to pointers as well. Did mean I had nothing to ride in the summer often, but was great as till I bought my own again I had all the fun but none of the expense.

Found through word of mouth.


Beware... My Plants...
19 October 2022
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I don't have a horse. I'm not sure I ever will. I could afford one but it would mean giving up other things I do and not going on holiday. Part of me really wants one because I'd like to get more involved in things like horse archery and jousting, but I don't really want the daily commitment required.

I have a private riding lesson once a week and occasionally add an extra one in when I can. I'm considering adding in a regular group lesson once a week. Last year I did a 3 day skills course doing archery, jousting, trick riding and drill riding. I've got another 2 day course booked in March and I've started looking at riding holidays.

I've been looking at options for a share but not really seriously and I'm not seeing very much locally at the moment.


Not slacking multitasking
31 December 2008
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flexible shares/ad hoc days to exist, quite a lot on my current yard seem to be.

I had 4ish years not really having any regular contact with horses (my own being on retirement at my parents the other side of the country). I also got too heavy to ride. I totally filled my time up with other things I enjoyed- particularly cycling.

Then having lost a lot of weight and tootled off with my mum and sister for 3 days trekking round wales I realised how much a hole it had left. I knew I wanted something pretty local for it to work so put a post on the local bridleways page. That got passed on and I shared a lovely boy who was totally different to my normal 'type' for a year. I did 2, then 3 days a week but with owner (non riding) + another sharer we did have some flexibility. We sadly lost the horse in September and as has happened to me previously I got poached pretty quickly 😂. Realistically however much I enjoy my other hobbies the horses do kind of still win out and I'm much happier with them in my life.

I now have an ad hoc arrangement with an owner on the same yard who has 2 and a couple of sharers but one sharer is a student and isn't around in the holidays. I also have some flexibility work wise so have been able to hack in the week if they're a bit school sour. I don't pay anything now (I did offer but given the cost of living rise this does mean I don't feel guilty/that I should be spending on the other stuff) and she doesn't then feel like she has to give me X number of riding days a week. I usually do saturdays though so she can have a whole day off and am in charge of the fun jobs like clipping 😂 other days we usually sort out at the beginning of the week so I have a plan that I can then work the other stuff like swimming and cycling round.

Rusty Rider

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30 May 2018
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I have a share, 3-4 days a week, but since his owner also has her kids’ ponies on the yard (DIY), we can be pretty flexible on days. I have a busy job and social life, and I’m not from the UK so I do go home semi-regularly. So far I am managing to juggle everything - it just takes a bit of organisation and cutting corners on the less essential aspects of life (I.e. my flat is never perfectly tidy anymore, I’ve switched to bulk cooking recipe delivery boxes to avoid grocery shopping, and when I need to head out to a gig after riding and mucking out, I can switch from smelly rider to semi put together city dweller in under 30min 😅). I work from home with flexible hours, which helps a great deal too…

Possibly not quite the answer to your question, but basically, where there’s a will, there’s a way 😊


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25 August 2010
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I have a lady that has ridden mine for about 5 years it's a loose arrangement no set days or payment, she works has 3 small children so it's just when it's convenient for both of us really and it's worked well I'm glad of the help she gets a nice horse to ride.


I used to be decisive, now I'm not so sure...
7 February 2013
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A couple of people ride Rigs. If it is a nice day and I think he would like it, I simply call or message and ask if they'd like to come out to play.

He would benefit from someone coming a little more regularly but I wouldn't advertise as he is kept at home so it would invade my privacy with a stranger. If I met someone who was helping at riding club or something, that would be OK so, if it were me, I'd start to help out at a riding club. It is quality horse time anyway and you get to know people with horses!


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21 May 2013
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I'm another who doesn't have their own and likely never will (I don't have the time or the finances). I'm fortunate to have a good trekking centre a 40-minute drive away, so that's where you'll find me virtually every Saturday morning (plus the odd weekday too). I do a 2-hour trek and then usually have lunch on site with my riding friends (there are a few of us who regularly do the same ride that have become good friends over the years). It's obviously different to having my own, but one of the benefits is that I do get to ride a variety of different ponies and horses on a regular basis (everything from 13.2hh to 16.3hh - there are a couple of 18hhers, but they're too wide for me), and they aren't the usual trekking centre plods. It's my second home!


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29 July 2009
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I volunteer now at an equine therapy centre. I still miss riding so pay to hack once a fortnight at trekking centre. I got a bonus ride this week as a friends daughter has an injury so her pony needed riding. I’m available if anyone has anything needs riding ;-) I agree though the Ad hoc stuff is elusive. It would have suited me to continue my share but unfortunately that ended last year.


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8 August 2007
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I have a 13.1 welsh pony from WHW. As a pensioner I know that if anything happens to me then she'll have a good future in WHW hands.

I lost my last 2 oldies (26 and 27) within 2 months of each other (they weren't kept together) in 2019 and after 60 years with horses I lasted 3 months without one.

My pony is great and very affectionate - she isn't a riding horse, just an expensive pet who gets cuddles, grooming and a bit of in-hand work. However she keeps me in the horsey circle at a small yard of 7 horses. I now go with the YO when she goes training with the other horses as a (slightly pottery) groom and my pony is used also as a travelling companion for one of the horses who won't travel on his own.

So instead of sitting miserably at home I now have a nice life with lots of tea, biscuits and horsey chat with nice people and a lovely pony to cuddle and spoil. It's a big stretch for me financially but worth every single penny.


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6 March 2011
I have never owned a horse. But have had a happy, idle and entirely selfish riding life for more than 20 years. For years I rode twice a week, a lesson and an escorted hack from various RSs.
I then shared and hacked our retired lesson horse - I was her only sharer and I hacked her solo twice a week until she died. It was bliss and I loved her dearly. She had a habit if dumping staff but never did it with me, probably because I rode her on a long rein. I changed schools and had dressage lessons, riding dressage tests which I really enjoyed. I like the exactness of it. But I didnt feel safe on the RS horse I was pressured to hack, nor with the substitute staff rider accompanying me and indeed our first ride ended with a fall. On safety grounds I always prefered to hack solo and eventually found a new share.


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1 August 2019
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I don’t have my own. It’s something I’ve been seriously contemplating recently, but unfortunately if I want to progress with my career (likely to leave my current job in 1-2 years unless there’s a big progression) I don’t think it will happen.

I shared an amazing horse for 3 years, and he improved my riding so much - however he was injured last year, and despite sticking with him for 7 months of rehab, I just wasn’t enjoying it anymore and stopped.

I’m really struggling to find a new share and it’s really getting me down! Lessons at my local riding school are a fortune, and last time I was put on a very green (but sweet) cob who was too small for me, so felt like I’d paid to school one of their horses.

I did have one on trial (which I leapt into too quickly without noticing the red flags) but after the second incident of full up rearing I decided it wasn’t for me.

I have a couple of trials coming up, but I’m not hugely hopefully. One person sent me one dark video of their horse cantering on the wrong leg, then described him as a psycho!

I’m a competent rider with insurance, who likes to do a bit of everything, and the ideal would be for me to be able to take the share out to a few low level comps, fun rides, XC etc. but no one seems to want that!

Sorry to jump on your thread with a long (unhelpful!) message.


18 September 2007
Down the lane.
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All my local RDA group ponies/horses are hacked out regularly by volunteers. You cannot volunteer just for riding the ponies but those who can ride and put in the commitment with the RDA sessions or poo picking ect get the chance to. No one is allowed to go on a solo hack though.


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10 December 2008
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I have a sharer, shes does two days a week and every other Saturday (I didn't want to give up a weekend day every weekend as I don't get lots of opportunity to ride in the week in winter.) It suits both me and my sharer as she doesn't work a Thursday and goes to a regular lesson, I get two days a week when I can work late so I can finish a bit earlier on the other days to ride/do the horses and we can both juggle time with husbands/family with riding at weekends. We're both pretty flexible and swap / fill in for each other when necessary. I tend to plan to go away on a weekend when she does a Saturday so I know they're looked after (looking after Archie when I'm away is part of the deal for getting Wiggy) and I can be back on a Sunday afternoon in time to muck out and get them in if not ride. Likewise she plans stuff for when she's not riding but we swap (either Sat to Sun or one Sat for another) if there's something that can't move.

Another owner/ sharer on the yard are totally flexible as the sharer's retired so can ride any time (but goes abroad for about 2 months twice a year so can't have her own) and the owner works shifts so is around at different times every week. Sharer is away in the summer when there are fewer job so it works for them.


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1 August 2002
Beds/South Cambs
In the autumn I started riding a New Forest about once a fortnight - I put a very honest ad on Preloved and the mare's owner messaged me. This is the ideal arrangement for me as it's just once or twice a month (about 30 minutes drive away) and I don't need to pay anything. I just turn up and we groom and tack up our mounts and we hack around for an hour or two. Then I untack and head home. We agree the dates a month or two ahead of time to fit our own schedules.

In addition, my Mum and I run a riding holidays business and I get to test/escort trips sometimes. Last year I was in Portugal, Serbia, Bosnia, Botswana and Jordan for example. My colleagues do have their own but there are plenty working in our industry who love the 'horsey fix' they get by chatting about riding and horses all day and then spending a few weeks of the year when they can get really involved.

We do actually own horses but I thought I'd still answer as ours are all retired or too small for me and live out at my parent's house. I do help out but there aren't many jobs to do and the above keep me in the saddle and more hands on.

Bonnie Allie

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11 June 2019
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From the other perspective - I’ve had what you would describe as a sharer but I didn’t charge any fees, ask for a contribution or expect them to set up a formal arrangement.

One was to help out a lady who was having mental health issues. I barely knew her but wanted her to have an opportunity to be close to horses again, ride and have her own space away from a domestic situation she was managing. She was a cracking horse woman and ended up taking on one of our reschooling projects and competing him in show jumping. even though she has moved away now she is a good friend and we talk weekly.

The other was when our retired show jumper needed someone to hack her out a couple of times a week. We found a lovely lady who was happy just walking and trotting her out in the park. They both benefited from it and I was super happy the old mare was mobile and still thought she had an important job as well as one on one attention. This lady is also now a good friend.

There are owners out there that would really value someone like you.


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17 February 2011
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Reading through these threads perhaps we need an ‘offered and wanted’ board for similar! I’d be happy to have someone else ride a couple of mine if they wanted, and generally be involved if they’d like to be around horses in general. (South Oxfordshire 😂)


Well-Known Member
1 August 2019
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Reading through these threads perhaps we need an ‘offered and wanted’ board for similar! I’d be happy to have someone else ride a couple of mine if they wanted, and generally be involved if they’d like to be around horses in general. (South Oxfordshire 😂)

I actually think this would be a great idea. I know we have the regional boards but I don’t find they get much use or traffic at all.


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2 July 2009
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When I had sharers when I had two to exercise I used to plan it from week to week depending on their availability so they didn’t have set days. They had work and other commitments which meant it was hard to have set days. It worked well for what I wanted.

Ginger Mare

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24 April 2017
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Thank you everyone for all your replies! That’s really good to know that sometimes flexible / ad hoc arrangements can work. I sometimes feel if I put an advert up it might be seen as a cheeky / impossible request but perhaps I will do this and see if anything comes of it.

Rusty Rider

Well-Known Member
30 May 2018
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Thank you everyone for all your replies! That’s really good to know that sometimes flexible / ad hoc arrangements can work. I sometimes feel if I put an advert up it might be seen as a cheeky / impossible request but perhaps I will do this and see if anything comes of it.

It won’t come accross as cheeky as long as you’re honest and don’t act entitled 😊