How can I deal with this? (Family/horse care related)


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31 December 2008
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My uncle owns 3 cob type horses and has done for many years, I don't know why he actually bought them. He loves them however really does not posess any knowledge on the care aspect!
He is also one of these people that cannot be told they are doing something wrong and because of this I do not have anything to do with these horses.

I personally look at it as a 'neglect' case even though it is un intentional. They are very much loved and they are fed, watered and checked daily. However they have never had their feet/teeth/jabs done and I highly doubt they are wormed on a regular basis. The eldest two are very poor and the youngest is actually rather well if not verging on the side of rather fat.

I know he has had some problems with one of the old one getting down in the field and being unable to get back up. He rang me up earlier and told me he was worried about him, got to the field and the poor thing was walking like a crab. He was crippling lame on a hind leg.

Vet came, nothing was done as they couldn't catch the horse anyways the vet reckons sooner or later the RSPCA will be called on them.

He has also taken it upon himself to feed my horses as he passes mine on the way to his own.
One of mine has laminitis and cushings and I have almost lost her several times due to this! As I had no idea what was going on at the time.
All my feed and buckets are locked away but he keeps his at his house so takes buckets down from there to feed mine!

I have fallen out with him many times over this and other problems regarding both my horses and his own.

Because of this I am lumped in with his behaviour, I am probably known more because of the way he treats his own horses than mine.

I am unable to move my horses and talking to him just does not work. He thinks his way of looking after the horses is right and will not be told otherwise but the poor things lame all the time.

I am really struggling as he is a family member but what is going on is not right. I am extreamly worried about the horses but also that people consider I treat mine the same way!!


Well-Known Member
27 August 2008
Nr Thetford, Norfolk
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Perhaps you need to be the one who rings the RSPCA?

If his intnetions are honarable then i would very much doubt they would prosecute for neglect but they maywell remove them for there own wellbeing?

If i'm honest it would be what i did.


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31 December 2008
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I have strongly considered calling them myself I haven't as I have been worried I could get dragged into the whole mess because I knew about it and/or whatever. Selfish I know.


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26 October 2007
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Firstly, Can I suggest maybe putting up signs of "Pease Do Not Feed The Horses" Along the fence.. And feet can get terribly bad and painful for the horses so I recomend if they are bad they see a Farrier. Also, can I suggest that maybe you "Accidently" leave a few horse care books around his house wich will hopefully catch his attention and he will read and get some knowledge. Is there anyway of your uncle sharing his horses with a sharer and then the sharer should have some knowledge on the horses and care aspects.

I hope this is of some help and I hope this issue is resolved shortly.



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31 December 2008
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I have tried signs and everything before however he just assums that they do not apply to him. I have told him straight about it before he did stop for a short while but then contiuned.
No he won't share them as they are his and he will look after them as he sees fit, unfortunatly he won't be told by anyone.


Well-Known Member
12 December 2008
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Im sorry but if he has had these horses years and they dont get there teeth done or get feet trimmed etc then i think your just as guilty of neglect as he is intentional or not regardless.
He may not know much about horses but you do and you should have reported him a long time ago for this,no need for him to even know it was you its all confidential.

Im coming across harsh here but i think your opening yourself up for judgement for sitting on your hands so long.If he cant catch them either then thats not good.
Do the right thing dont call the rspca call the ILPH or WHW whatever its called now.
These horses need to be cared for correctly before they get serious health problems.


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5 February 2007
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C+P all of your opening post an email to Debbie at the world horse welfare....

give her details where these animals are kept..and a Field Officer will pop round and gve advice to your relative...all without him knowing who it was who informed the ILPH....

it would be a start...


Well-Known Member
12 December 2008
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I would def call the RSPCA

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Nope they are crap no use at all WHW are on the ball get things done you can actually get hole of feild officers.
The rspca are completely useless and closed half of the time.


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15 July 2008
barnsley (tarn) south yorkshire
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lol the rspca are closed they are open 24hr 7days a week with aco and insp on duty 24/7 lol and they get over 6 thousand calls a day andhave 300 aco and insp to cover england and wales!! i would not how many alls we take because i work in there and insp do go out on the priority of the call!


Well-Known Member
5 February 2007
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I would def call the RSPCA

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Nope they are crap no use at all WHW are on the ball get things done you can actually get hole of feild officers.
The rspca are completely useless and closed half of the time.

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I agree...the RSPCA are totally useless


Well-Known Member
12 December 2008
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lol the rspca are closed they are open 24hr 7days a week with aco and insp on duty 24/7 lol and they get over 6 thousand calls a day andhave 300 aco and insp to cover england and wales!! i would not how many alls we take because i work in there and insp do go out on the priority of the call!

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Nope sorry i never use rspca for equine related things ours in york is as much use as an chocolate iron,the are useless and pointless.Not much better with any kind of animal but a pathetic waste of time when it comes to horses.
As i say i never use them but ILPH/WHW have always been quick efficient,on the ball and get the horses sorted.


Well-Known Member
12 December 2008
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ok then your opinion each to there own but i no how fast they go out to calls like if one was logged about the above it wouldnt be a normal complaint but not arguing over this

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Well you would say this working for them,but as myself and alot of other members on here have had dealings with them and have found them less than useless,then i think we are educated enough to have our opinions on the matter.
And plus ILPH/WHW deal with horses and donkeys only and are more experienced in dealing with the equines.I dont deny the rspca so alot of good work and rescue alot of animals,but personally i find ours useless especially when it comes to horses.


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24 August 2008
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Call the ILPH - if a field officer comes around and has a quiet word, your uncle may take note, and if not, at least the ILPH will know about what is happening. As others have said, the RSPCA are useless, but you could always try them as a last resort!


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30 November 2007
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I would make that call. The horse welfare organisations are not (as others have said) all about removing animals or prosecuting people. They want to limit (i would imagine) how many horses end up in their charities places as much as possible.

They are also there to help and give advice. If he did not improve his care within a given time frame then maybe they would take further action. To be honest from what you say it saounds like he is trying to turn a blind eye and is stubborn and set in his ways. Maybe he does not want to face the reality that at least one of his horses maye need putting down. Some people cannot face the upset and instead do their best to ignore it but sadly the problem will not go away.

You said the vet came out? Well, that is a plus in my mind so sounds as though he's not against them being treated.

As for him feeding yours that can be tricky. Have you explained the whole laminitis/cushings thing to him - properly? Also, is he actually feeding yours enough/feeds that would cause a problem or is there a compromise you can make re feeding. Maybe he does get pleasure out of feeding animals - could you not let him feed them their daily feeds if he wants to do this?

It is tricky as an outsider to comment but do not be worried about calling a welfare organisation. They may be a lot more helpful than people give them credit for.


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31 December 2008
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Im sorry but if he has had these horses years and they dont get there teeth done or get feet trimmed etc then i think your just as guilty of neglect as he is intentional or not regardless.

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I have stay away from them for as long as possible from when he got them and we had a major argument over feeding, I have not seen them for some time and only saw the extent of it all earlier.
Also due to being under 20 I felt as though there was nothing I could do about this, even more so because he is a family memeber.

I am not trying to make excuses.


Well-Known Member
12 December 2008
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Well knowing the extent of it now im sorry you have no excuses get on the blower to the WHW or if you rather im happy to do it for you if you want to PM me information and location.


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16 July 2005
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Have you thought of calling your local British Horse Society Welfare Officer and talking the problem over with them? They are always willing to talk to people and provide practical help if needed.


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26 February 2003
SW Scotland
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Very puzzled--if horses regularly fed why could they not be caught?
It may be that he needs to catch the horse before vet arrives and give a dose of Sedalin. One of my horses probably would not be caught if he knew vet was already on the yard!!
Sounds like a corral needed with feed to entice them into so that they can be looked at properly.
Clearly a lot of effort will be needed to put the cobs right and if they cannot be handled then worming dentistry and farriery impossible
I think this man needs help to realise he has created a difficult situation
Agree with calling in World Horse Welfare and local BHS Welfare
I am sure if you post which county you are in a BHS member will pm you contact details for your area. BHS are non-confrontational--they will just give the best advice for the situation, which the owner may not like of course but RSPCA may want to remove the horses/prosecute


Well-Known Member
11 November 2007
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WHW or BHS Welfare rep for your area.
Esp WHW officers are good at dealing with people, and its the person who neds educating.
Esp as the horses have poor care but are not without some food and water. so not a removal case.
AS to your own, can you ask your parents to tell your Uncle, he may take more notice of one of them.


Well-Known Member
26 November 2007
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I'm a little confused by some of your responses on here. You post saying "How can I deal with this" implying that you want to take action to resolve it, yet you appear to be unwilling to do the one thing that evereyone on here has suggested and report him to a charity, for fear of any repercussions on your family harmony.

Personally, any uncle of mine who not only put my horses' health in danger but kept his own in awful conditions and refused to listen to calmly put advice would not have an awful lot of harmony left with me to protect. I'd have told him in no uncertain terms that he cannot feed yours, explain why, and put up CCTV to ensure he doesn't. You can always leave feed you have prepared for them available for him if you think thats easier and trust that he wouldn't add to it, but TBH its bizarre that he should think he can feed your horses without your permission and knowledge and I'd come down hard on him myself.

If you are afraid that you won't be treated confidentially if you call a charity, take up bugaboo's offer, or get a friend to express their concerns to a charity - preferably ILPH/ WHW because to put it nicely the RSPCA have been known to mess up with horses quite a lot.

RSPCA are not specialists in horses and cannot give knowledgeable advice, whereas BHS or ILPH can, and would rather do so in the first instance than to prossecute or seize the horses.

I don't see why the fact that you are under 20 is relevant. Anyone who can use a computer or pick up a phone can raise the issue to a charity, and I really hope that you do so for their sakes.


Well-Known Member
12 December 2008
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I dont like the fact she is not taking on board very sound advice from people when everyone is also giving the same answer i think its safe to say what should be done here.
As i said im more than happy to be given details and forward the information to WHW this is an unacceptable way to keep horses and he needs to be shown how to care for them correctly.