how could you tell your horse was the one?


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28 July 2008
Kent/Sussex Borders
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as title really!
when you were horsey shopping how did you know that the one you've ended up with was the one you really wanted? sorry, very boring post i know, just would love to hear people's experiences!!


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30 November 2005
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I didn't. I bought him with a view to sell on. I slowly realised that unless my add was to read "15.3hh nutcase horse, is so passionate for his jumping he will happily wipe out anything in it's path, amazing hunter if you love the complete lack of control at all times
I got a bit down in the mouth about it, until about 4months in I was stood in his stable on my phone, and the little coloured chap came up behind me and rested his head on my shoulder, as if to say "who's texting you then, lets have a read."
We never looked back, and I won't sell him, he's too much fun, and I love him too much.


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19 February 2006
Middle England
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She tried to take my knee off on the manege gate!

Reminded me of several other fiesty cobs I'd known. Felt really at home with her.


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21 July 2005
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I think I knew straight away. As we were walking to the field with 5 horses all grazing, I pointed out one and said "I like that one" - the owner at the time said, "she's the one for sale".

I took her on a small trial period with view to buy and after 2 days I was in love


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1 March 2004
Bodey- Easy, I didn’t! He just looked like what I wanted (he was a wild 3 year old). It was a risk.

Badger the Fjord- My mum got on him, ploded him around the school and up the road, didn’t want to get off (in fact the dealer said are you getting off now, and she said ‘no’), so he came home.


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25 August 2008
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1st one- hmmmm I didn't. he seemed nice enough and wanted to rescue him. was just the type i wanted

2nd one- love at 1st sight even though he wasn't really what I was looking for


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13 November 2006
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i saw mine in a sorry state in a field under a flight path. he did everything i asked and gave me a special feeling ( no, not THAT kind of special feeling! ) and still does to this day.

No other horse, not even his mum makes me feel like this.

H's mum

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27 November 2003
When I was looking for H, I was looking for a bay gelding, didn't like chestnuts and no way did I want a mare... so why on earth did I ring up about her? LOL!
As soon as I rode her I knew I wanted her as she just gave me the most wonderful feeling and I didn't want to get off her!
Kate x


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12 December 2009
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my mum read the advert and said thats the one
so we travelled for 5 hours to go and see it... turned out to be quite nice (lots of sneaky tricks on the owners part)
was a compete nutter to jump

mums response was "this is the one, youll just have to learn how to ride properly"

will never ever sell her...


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1 May 2007
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I was never going to go beyond Devon and Cornwall to see horses but then I got emails of this horse and eventually ended up with OH driving me way up North and lo and behold saw my boy!

He hadn't been ridden for 6 months and was lacking in muscle but still looked beautiful!

Friend of owner rode him out and two loose horses charged towards him and he just quietly stood while they careered past him without turning a whisker!

I then rode him and he was so sweet; I couldn't have gone back for another ride as it was too far, so got back home and decided I would have him!


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29 March 2008
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After being sold a warmblood as a 'novice ride' who ended up fly bucking and rearing I was advised to look for something Irish. Tia was the first horse I viewed on the private market after the WB went back to the dealer and I love coloureds, she was sooo pretty and sweet and calm to ride. I just knew I wanted her. Since then we have grown a really good bond. The way she nickers or whinnies at me when she sees me. The way she nuzzles or even just gives my arm a soft touch with her nose. Makes me smile. She's my first horse so I didnt know what to expect with a horse and owner's relationship.

It hasnt all been great though. She is wonderful to handle but when ridden we have plenty arguments and her spooking when out hacking in fields makes me a bit nervy. Also dont get a canter out in the field without it turning into an out of control 'I want to gallop' or spooking while going fast. But we shall work on that when the ground is good enough.


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12 October 2009
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I saw mine over the stable door (didnt know he was for sale - went there for a lesson!) and abseloutley fell in love! Joked about buying him (as was looking at the time) to a friend and saying he would be soooo out of my budget its unreal - as the owner was behind me haha!! He told me the price (only double my budget thank goodness) and that was that i had to have him. After begging my mum i convinced her to buy 1/2 of him, and now i have him (at uni with me she doesnt get a look in
TBH it was a stupid way of buying as i had no comeback as didnt see and advert so it was all on what he said! But hey hes alrite


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22 October 2008
Near Bristol
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Genie was the first I went to see and I wasn't seriously looking at the time, but knew that if I found the right horse I'd buy them. Met her in the stable and immediately was attacked by her lips (she's into everything and has to investigate), then watched as she was tacked up and drove behind while they hacked to the school they had hired to show her to me. Saw that she was very green and found the same when I rode her, but I just enjoyed riding her. I hacked her back (past Mum shaking off coats at her in her unhorseyness and claiming it was to see if she was safe - Genie didn't even look - never mind if she'd spooked and I'd fallen off!) and didn't want to get off, so she came home less than a week later.


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27 November 2008
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He walked up to me, as if he had known me his entire life, nudged me, and subsequently began undoing my zipped up pockets and stuffing his face in them to find polos.
It was love at first sight!


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11 December 2009
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Mine was actually because as I was trying him, a 2 year old right in front of him and so he stopped, nuzzled his hair, walked around him and resumed his naughty aiming for jumps behaviour (I just felt he had only kind but naughty bones in his body for a 4 year old!)

He did the whole nuzzling thing on my hair a couple of weeks later when I fell off him before he side stepped around me and ran off onto a golf course


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8 May 2008
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I'd already seen alot of horses, mostly Section D's but some others thrown in for good measure. I'd also had one fail the vetting. He was in the same area as another I was going to see.

I walked into this dark barn full of tractors & farm machinery parts & there was this ill mannered hairy thing that you couldn't get near...the guy lead him outside & trotted him up for cheesy as it sounds it was like watching a movie, all in slow motion with music playing in my head...gave me goose pimples...and I knew I found the one, I never even argued over the price, just told him where to deliver!!


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28 October 2006
rowlands gill, gateshead
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when i got twist, i had got the ad trader and marked all the youngsters i though would be suitable, i had my heart set on a coloured traditional cob so we had driven miles to look at some coloured cobs, non of them were as described, and half of them were just weaned and terrified of people and the guy selling them was too busy talking to a couple that were looking to even show us the ones that could be caught, so i said while im out i might as well ring about the chestnut tbx cob, so when i asked if we could go and see him she said yes but it would have to be in about 45 mins as she was out and i explained that was fine for me as i was out at the time looking at some other cobs, and she said im the lady in the red van you can follow me back if you like, so we did, he was lovely (halter broke, picked up feet and huge he towered above the other yearlings she had for sale) and i left a deposit and he was delivered two days later

when i got H, i was looking for a welsh cob to show, i saw the ad and i thought the price must be wrong (£500) so i plucked up the courage to ring and ask (about 3 weeks after seeing the ad) she was still for sale the price on the ad was right and i bought her


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20 November 2009
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I was drawn to her before I even knew she was the one I was there to see. She called to me and as I always do I went to say "Hello" she had the kindest eye and despite being a poor nervous little thing she stole my heart. I had promised OH I'd try 5 horses before I even contemplated a decision and she was number 5 and everything I was looking for, I had tried some fabulous horses but she just had that special pull. Follow your intuition _ although I wish I'd followed mine more and at least I would have been more prepared for our iminent arrival
But she is worth the added complication !


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18 September 2009
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He met the quite strict criteria I'd set myself in looking for a horse as I was limited by various things and while his looks didn't initially attract me when I sat on him to try him I just knew he was the one. It was just the happiest couple of hours I'd spent for ages! Went back 5 days later for a 2nd go and more on the ground handling, tacking up etc and that was it. It was only when I'd got him home and had him about 3 months that he then 'tried me out' and we had an interesting few months but we're firm buddies now cos of getting through the trying times together I think!
29 July 2005
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I was already riding my pony for my YO, and I was just about to begin looking for my own horse. I was ideally going to look for something about 15.2 ish and aged about 10-12, good in all ways and something which was well schooled and could teach me but I fell in love with a 14.2 5 year old Irish pony who had had hardly any schooling!
We learnt together, and four years later I still have him and I am so glad I bought him as he really is the pony for me!


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22 May 2009
Portsmouth, Hampshire
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My instinct took over. When Archie appeared out of the stable my heart sank. He was covered in mud and a right state. Rode him and he was very green - not what I was looking for. When I was asked the question did I want him? My head was saying no but my mouth was saying yes, I love him (dur?). After that, couldn't let the girl down who was selling, she was so lovely. Instinct told me things would be okay and it has proved to be the case. How lucky was I? I always go with my instinct as it is rarely wrong.


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4 August 2007
Down South
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Having looked at literally tens of horses and turned a couple down after vettings, I knew as soon as I looked over the door at Star.

Tbh she was horrible to ride, really green and unbalanced, and I hacked her out the next day. But her temperament won me over. I just thought all the rest could be worked on.

She isn't always the easiest horse, but she is a very lovely person


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23 April 2009
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I didn't know it until about 3 years down the line. It is a bit of an odd story and will admit even I find it really strange how it happened.

The horse in question Zak was born in the field next to our house - we were the first people to see him - I used to spend hours watching him play from my garden. He was then moved away when he was weaned and that was that I never expected to see him again.
Anyway 3 years later my Mom came downstairs and said "do you remember that horse that was born in the field next door well I had a dream that we owned him." I didnt think anything of it but 3weeks later que Zaks owner (sort of friend of my Dad but hadnt seen him for a couple of years, bit of a delaer) who randomly came to the house and asked if would be interested in buying a horse from him and guess who that horse turned out to be yes you guesssed it ..Zak. I think the answer would have been a flat no if Mom hadnt had a dream about him. Ended up ging to see him I didnt like him at all...way to big for me 16.2hh and growing and I was 13. He was pretty wild and hadnt even been halter broken. I didnt want him but Mom was convinced it was fate so we had him. Three years on after many, many falls and problems (and alot of regrets from my Mom) he actually turned out to be my horse of a life time. I love him to pieces, he is now 15 and I am 23 and he will be with me until the end. I would say I am rather sceptic of fate, but I suppose it must have been. (chestnut in sig)