How did you find your livery yard


Well-Known Member
29 December 2011
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Word of mouth and a friend moving there and asking me to help.

It's only a few hundred yards from my house and run by people I've known for years. They took over from the resident farmer, who ran a DIY yard on the premises, and turned it into a full livery place. An old friend told me they were moving to the yard (and asked me to help them!) so I took the opportunity to go along with her (and a trailer load of her stuff!!!) to speak to YM. Happy days, they had a spare stable, so I moved in, having only been at my previous yard a few weeks. That was over 5 years ago, and no plans to move any time soon.


Well-Known Member
31 January 2018
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Word of mouth via the farrier! He asked me if I was fed up with the mud at the current yard and he had heard of a place becoming vacant :)


Well-Known Member
26 November 2010
Yorkshire / West Berks
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I found my beloved yard whilst out walking near our new home and we took a wrong turn onto a very seldom used footpath. Saw some horses tucked away and promptly got onto Google earth at home! After some serious super sleuthing, I managed to make contact and then waited two years for space to for all my horses to move on. Well worth the wait.
I’d say get those walking boots on and get exploring!


Lurcher lover
6 March 2010
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We were told at the last minute that the YO had sold the buildings ( including our stables) and we could only have grass livery , this was in October, not nice. Both my friend and I are older and had older horses so wanted stables so I just got in the car and spent my time driving round looking for yards.. when I found the yard we eventually went to , the YO said she didn’t want any more DIY people as she’d had bad ones. As it was going to soon be nov 5 th I said we were desperate as we needed to find somewhere a s a p .. she said we could go for a trial period of 3 months and we stayed until we lost our horses and have stayed friends ever since. It was the best yard I’ve ever been on, not brilliant facilities but we were allowed a field and could do what we liked as long as we poo picked and kept the yard clean, it was like having our own place and we loved it and the horses were very happy


Well-Known Member
2 July 2009
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A friend of a friend had one of the owners ex-race horses and at the time nobody was accepted at the yard unless they came on recommendation. Been there 12 yrs, it’s just expanded though recently so more commercial.


Well-Known Member
8 August 2005
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This is difficult, so many yards have closed & houses have been built on the land. Years ago if someone was having issues at a yard with the \yo or others people would say "Vote with your feet", you can't do that now because there are less yards now than ever. You could contact your local riding club, pony club etc & see if anyone has vacancies? This time of year it's extra difficult because people who have had their horses living out through the spring & summer suddenly want stables & livery for the winter so the market is even fuller. Take the bull by the horns & contact livery yards & see if they have vacancies, some have a waiting list so put yourself on any lists. Additionally don't be so stuck in your lists of wants, be prepared to amend them so you have more chance of finding a yard.


Well-Known Member
20 January 2010
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Yes I did that too.

By the way OP if you are in the Warwickshire area I have a huge list of livery yards with contact names/numbers that you might find helpful.
I would be very grateful if you could forward that list to me? And any to avoid? A client is relocating and we need to find the best place for her! No DIY, full livery only if poss? Thank you so much.