How dim can you get?


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17 May 2013
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Took the pony and another person/horse over to our Dressage instructor's yard for a lesson in a 20x60 arena yesterday. My lorry is a side loader and my pony was closest to the exit so we agreed I'd have the first lesson. Got the pony off and tied up, other horse (a gelding) was left on the lorry. Went to the tack locker to get my saddle out and noticed yellow liquid dripping onto the wheel. "Oh no!" I thought. "I've got lubricant pouring out of the lorry! What am I gong to do? It had a really thorough check in October and it's hardly been used since. What bad luck!" Thoughts flashed through my mind of having to ring the horsebox rescue and get another lorry out to get the horses home. I stuck a finger into the liquid to smell it and see if I could identify what it was.

Then realised the gelding still on the lorry had wee'd.


Never been so glad to have had my fingers in wee! But felt pretty stupid.


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9 May 2007
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Haha - I had that at an HGV service station. Left daughter to fill up truck, went in to pay to save some time and came out to the sound and view of liquid pouring out. Yelled at daughter "where did you put the diesel?", she pointed at filling cap.

I realised that my ID was relieving himself and when he goes, he goes.

Felt really sorry for next person at that particular pump.


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25 June 2010
South East
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I almost called a breakdown service after liquid started gushing from under my horsebox in heavy traffic. Turned off the engine, hazards on, opened the bonnet to look official ... Then my friend whispered "I think it's just horse wee" just before I called for recovery .... We slammed the bonnet, smiled at the held up traffic, pretended to look like we knew what we were doing and never spoke of it again.


Einstein would be proud of my Insanity...
30 January 2015
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I was driving the horsebox once and everyone was flashing lights at me for miles. I had a mare on board who had done the most ginormous pee and it was running out beneath the lorry for ages. I guess people thought we had a fuel leak.

Does your hand still stink, I can't seem to get rid of pee smell on my hands no matter what I do?


Well-Known Member
21 January 2010
Up t'dale
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Slightly different story but when my friend used to compete her loony TB, we used to take a pony along as a trailer companion. More than once he pee'd so much that he fused the trailer lights and I used to have to follow them home in my car very closely if it was dark.

Keira 8888

Well-Known Member
1 June 2020
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Slightly different story but when my friend used to compete her loony TB, we used to take a pony along as a trailer companion. More than once he pee'd so much that he fused the trailer lights and I used to have to follow them home in my car very closely if it was dark.


Well-Known Member
3 April 2008
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Similar story!
When my daughter was little I had a go at her for spilling orange juice down my new bedside table. She was adamant she hadn’t. I didn’t believe her, stuck my finger in and tasted it.
I knew straight away, the terrible terrier had p’d in the bedroom ? and I tasted it...
Daughter was literally hysterical ??