How do I introduce a second dog?


Well-Known Member
9 July 2006
New York, USA
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I have a three-year-old female Boston Terrier and am talking at the moment with a BT breeder about adopting one of her show dogs, a two-year-old male, who doesn't particularly like the ring.

If we decide to progress, what do I need to be aware of when introducing a second dog to the home? My girl is an alpha but gets along well with 99% of dogs she meets (usually an issue arises when another female doesn't like her and tries to challenge her).

The male will be fixed before coming to my home and my girl is spayed also.


Well-Known Member
21 March 2005
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Tbh, I usually just introduce new dogs with all concerned on the lead, in the house, then take 'em out into the garden together for a further sniff etc. & if all goes well, let 'them off the lead & just keep an eye on them!
I have never faffed about & have never had anything get ripped apart at a first meeting either!

Just play it by ear & judge their reactions as you go! I find as little intereference as possible works best, just a calm, matter-of-fact introduction!
You say your bitch is quite dominant? Shouldn't be a problem with a male though - I bought my ultra-dominant (though very well-adjusted & godd-tempered! LOL) Border Collie's litter sister when she was 3 & had no problems whatsoever introducing them!

Maybe a crate at nighttime, (or for when you're not around), for the new boy would be a good idea though & carry on treating your bitch as 'top dog', i.e. fussed first, fed first, greeted first by visitors to see the new one etc. & hopefully all will go smoothly!

Sounds lovely, I love Bostons btw, such happy little dogs usually!


Well-Known Member
9 July 2006
New York, USA
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Yes, the male BT is used to being crated, so I'm going to do that.

My only reservation is that this little guy is apparently very untrustworthy off the lead i.e. he won't come back. Is it possible to instil the "come" command into an adult dog? The only commands he knows at the minute are "stand" and "stack it", having been a show dog.

As for Bosties, I've never met a mean one. I went to an AKC promo event the other week and the Boston Terriers were dishing out kisses to complete strangers to raise money for breed rescue

Thanks for the advice!


Well-Known Member
21 March 2005
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My only reservation is that this little guy is apparently very untrustworthy off the lead i.e. he won't come back. Is it possible to instil the "come" command into an adult dog? The only commands he knows at the minute are "stand" and "stack it", having been a show dog.

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Well, I s'pose you could try shouting 'Stack it!' in an emergency! LOL
Seriously though, he's only young, so no reason why he can't learn to come when called - wouldn't risk him off the lead until you're 100% sure of him though!
Lots & lots of 'puppy recalls' should do the trick & you're lucky in a way being in the States, as they have a much better attitude over there to training all breeds of dog & are incredibly successful at it too - join a local dog training club, at least you won't have to worry about the socialisation side of things, if he's been a show dog!

As for Bosties, I've never met a mean one. I went to an AKC promo event the other week and the Boston Terriers were dishing out kisses to complete strangers to raise money for breed rescue

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Adorable - I'd pay for that too, bless 'em!