How do you all deal with being on a livery yard


Well-Known Member
4 February 2010
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I love my livery yard, and if I chose to get a companion for my horse could have him at home. But I love to have people to chatter to and ride out with so, keep him where he is!!

I have mostly loved most of my livery yards - just think you need to be strong willed - haven't come across a livery yard where people are horrible and bitchy - but perhaps I have just been lucky!!


Well-Known Member
5 April 2010
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How do you all deal with being on a livery yard. This is my first time being at a livery yard with my mare and so far the experience isn't a great one. Any tips would be much appreciated

Depends on the livery yard - we have good atmosphere and we have social events too

Polar Bear9

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17 April 2014
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Develop a thick skin.

Head down, be polite, don't get dragged in, it's easy to fall foul of one seemingly friendly livery who then spreads anything you say all over the yard.

A generally friendly yet aloof demeanour seems to do the trick at most places. You might get called stand-offish but it's better than being dragged into the drama. Some yards are better than others, if it's really bad then move :)


Well-Known Member
7 October 2010
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if its bad move. most of us have to work hard to keep our horses, and for me time with them is relaxation and wind down time..not time to spend getting wound up by narcissistic bitches. (had a bad experience!)


Well-Known Member
25 February 2008
North Cumbria
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I got to the yard, I do as I am told by YO, I care for my horse and clean up after myself. I don't pry and I don't get involved in politics (although only 2 other liveries so I don't see them often).

If I have a problem I speak to YO in an adult fashion and we wor out a compromise/solution.

If the other liveries are there we natter and chat but none of us are overbearing or interfering.

Its a nice little yard.

Best advice on a big yard, "Hear everything, say nothing". If you hear something that warrants intervention, inform the YO and leave it to them.