How do you feel re. people handling your horse w/out permission/need?


Well-Known Member
24 November 2008
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There are only 3 of us on my yard, and we are all happy with each other handling our horses. Outsiders, no, absolutely not.

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ditto. there are only 3 of us and 6 horses. we all handle eachothers. well i see to all of them on a wednesday and thursday evening but i only see to mine. i am happy for the other to do him but he can be funny about other people cathching him. well more like he takes the p*ss lol


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9 January 2004
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I have found the easiest way to stop people going near your horses is to start viscious rumours about them
One of my old ones had a lovely party trick he arrived with, of rearing at just about anyone and anything. We soon got him out of the habit, but I didn't mind one jot that he was branded 'dangerous' by the liveries - YO knew he was perfectly well behaved, and he would happily bring in / turn out / hold for farrier etc, and he was also happy none of the liveries wanted their horses in the same field (in case he came near them, not their horses) as it meant that field stayed perfect with just 4 horses in. I also terrified the bejeezus out of the helpers when I wanted to, and they would never dare go against me! Terror / viscious rumours, seems like a plan to me


Well-Known Member
10 April 2009
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I really think it depends on the situation.

For example at my yard, sometimes the YOs are doing work in the fields and bring gemma is so she doesnt get scared/ hurt etc. They also will move her from field to field if the situation requires it. Also, if for example she had had a rug on today, they would have taken it off which would have been fine with me- I trust their judgement completely

Likewise, if any of the liveries on the yard saw her sweating/ shivering in the field I wouldn't mind them taking her rug off. Or if they put a fly mask back on- but once again I trust all of them
Throwing hay over in the winter probs wouldnt bother me- we are a small enough yard to know if there are any COPD issues etc among the horses

What I would go mental over is someone riding without my permission, someone bringing her in and grooming her without my knowing, or a random stranger doing anything other than perhaps patting her on the neck


Well-Known Member
31 December 2006
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I think it depends on the situation. I am lucky and tend to have people I trust around me, and we help each other out. I'd trust the people I am with now to just do the right thing in an emergency, or even if they got a bit concerned about something. If they got it wrong I'd know that they would have done exactly the same with their own horse.
I'd be very upset if I found someone taking it upon themselves to check his saddle fit, or administer their own "training" for some reason when I wasn't there. I remain very suspicious about how stressy he had got in his stable at my previous yard, bearing in mind he's totally chilled now we have moved. I don't like the feeling that someone I don't 100% trust might be doing daft things when the horses have all been put away and I've gone home. (Tying their horse outside his stable to eat his haynet while he was in maybe - how would you lot feel about that??).


Well-Known Member
17 November 2008
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I dont like other people handling my mare - other than myself, my mum and my OH!

When we had our own place, that wasnt a problem. However, now we are at livery things have obviously changed a bit - our yard has a 'no horse left out alone' policy, so if Ellie happens to be last in the field then someone will always bring her in. It isnt ideal - she is spooky and I would hate for something to happen without me being there - but other than leave her in 24/7, there isnt really any way round it! Putting out is a bit different; over the winter the YO turned her out a couple of times for me which was ok, but another lady recently put her out and it all went a bit wrong - Ellie pulled away from her sharply and the lady ended up on the floor
There was also an incident last week where someone brought another person's horse in (she had been asked to) and he spooked and went down on the concrete...he's wrecked his knee and strained both hind tendons
That isnt saying that it was the lady's fault at all, but if anything like that happened to Ellie I would want to know that it was me on the end of the lead, so that I'd know there's nothing I could have done to prevent it! I am very precious about my girly!!
As for anyone handling her without permission...dont even go there!!! I would be livid!!!!


With permission, or in an emergency, is fine, otherwise, I hate anyone handling mine.

chestnut cob

Well-Known Member
24 November 2004
It depends on who the person is! Mine is on part livery over winter so he is handled by YO, by the groom she uses for Sundays and Thursdays, by her parents if they do the yard for any reason (like when she was off sick for a week). I really don't mind as I know them all and trust them all. At a previous yard, YO showed around a 13yo total novice girl and informed us all she would be helping out around the yard with BI and TO. I was not happy with that at all as I had no idea who she was, she was a total novice and wouldn't have been safe handling a bolshy horse, and I didn't like the idea of her being "in charge".

I trust everyone of our liveries (maybe bar one but just because they are very novicey and quite nervous - my horse would be upset by the nerves) to do anything with my horse. I'm lucky that I'm on a lovely yard with knowledgeable people. We all help each other out so I will do other people's horses, they do mine sometimes. I also trust YO only to leave my horse in the care of someone who she trusts 100%.

I would have a problem with random people turning up who no one knew (obviously!) and on previous yards with less of a good atmosphere, I've had a problem with other people besides YO handling my horse.