Well-Known Member
I am truly at a loss and the decision is making me sick.
My 9 year old has multiple issues including bilateral hind suspensory problems, bone chips and OCD in both front fetlocks and a mechanical lameness below the knee. Here’s my problem .. I can’t ride him, not even lightly... the pattern has been i ride him for about 2 weeks (only Walk and trot) and then he starts to really nap and rear (quite dangerously) and goes lame, I presume the behaviour is because of pain. He also hates being turned out (in my set up, would probably be ok in a herd) and I just don’t know what to do with him. The vet has supported PTS, however I feel awful about going down this route just because it seems I can’t ride him... however realistically I am not sure I can afford retirement livery potentially for the next 20 years (I feel awful for saying this). He’s not in dire pain but obviously does have some pain but is that enough to warrant PTS? I am not sure if he would have quality of life out in a field, he struggles with the mud and the cold which i presume is due to the arthritis, he’s a fairly anxious boy (although this has improved greatly). Do I try retirement livery and see how he gets on? Is it fair to do that if they are not field sound? Any experiences would be greatly received.
My 9 year old has multiple issues including bilateral hind suspensory problems, bone chips and OCD in both front fetlocks and a mechanical lameness below the knee. Here’s my problem .. I can’t ride him, not even lightly... the pattern has been i ride him for about 2 weeks (only Walk and trot) and then he starts to really nap and rear (quite dangerously) and goes lame, I presume the behaviour is because of pain. He also hates being turned out (in my set up, would probably be ok in a herd) and I just don’t know what to do with him. The vet has supported PTS, however I feel awful about going down this route just because it seems I can’t ride him... however realistically I am not sure I can afford retirement livery potentially for the next 20 years (I feel awful for saying this). He’s not in dire pain but obviously does have some pain but is that enough to warrant PTS? I am not sure if he would have quality of life out in a field, he struggles with the mud and the cold which i presume is due to the arthritis, he’s a fairly anxious boy (although this has improved greatly). Do I try retirement livery and see how he gets on? Is it fair to do that if they are not field sound? Any experiences would be greatly received.