How does this sound for a foaling kit?


Well-Known Member
5 February 2011
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Mare is due in the next 3-4 weeks or so, am getting my kit together. This is my first time doing this so how does this sound for my kit?

pen and paper
vet wrap for her tail (being careful not to put it on too tight :D)
obs gloves and lube (just in case)
sterilised scissors
clean bucket
cloths/sponge to wash off udders/vulva
naval disinfectant
zip ties (to tie up the placenta, easier than string)
ivermectin wormer
black bag (for the placenta)
torch (stables do have lights)
bottle & teats

Big box with a lid to keep it all in.
camera :D

Also what do I do with the placenta - there are dogs on the yard?


Well-Known Member
24 October 2011
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Vet on speed dial
Numerous flasks of tea and lots of cake, warm blanket for you to wrap up in, valium and a bottle of scotch for medicinal purposes only of course.

sounds like you are well prepared.

The vet will want to check the placenta, I just put it in a bucket with a lid on until it had been checked and then had a walk over the fields left it for the foxes.

Looking forward to seeing the pictures.


Well-Known Member
5 February 2011
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Vet on speed dial
Numerous flasks of tea and lots of cake, warm blanket for you to wrap up in, valium and a bottle of scotch for medicinal purposes only of course.

sounds like you are well prepared.

The vet will want to check the placenta, I just put it in a bucket with a lid on until it had been checked and then had a walk over the fields left it for the foxes.

Looking forward to seeing the pictures.

I have vets numbers in the phone plus several spares, plus they're written on the board in the tack room :D:D

Kettle / tea / coffee facilities on site :D
And will be setting up beds in my sister's stable which is next door - nice flax bed down with a couple of rugs on top, nice blanket, sleeping bag and several more rugs if needed - it's amazing how comfy you get get with 3-4 heavyweight horse rugs (have had to stay in a tack room before while watching a sick horse - at least it *will* be summer/warmer than last time which was february :eek:)

Can't stand scotch - might have to have some champaigne tho :p

If vet isn't up in the middle of the night then he will be up next morning to check mare/foal/placenta as I know it's important that none is left in mare but not sure how to tell

You'll be fed up of pics by the time I'm finished :D:eek::p


Well-Known Member
27 October 2012
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Another foal I am getting serious foal envy looking at is forum! I would opt for a bucket with a lid for the placenta then bury it after it has been checked. I would also advise that you get some powdered mares milk replacer, you will probably not need it but best that you have it just in case. This may be viewed as a bit old fashioned but we always used to give mares a bran mash after they foaled with a spoonful of Epsom salts we never had any colics. Looking forward to photos! :D

Spring Feather

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30 December 2010
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Watch/clock Yes I always time stages
pen and paper I don't bother with them
vet wrap for her tail (being careful not to put it on too tight :D) I plait tails, I don't use bandages or vet wrap
obs gloves and lube (just in case) I have both in the house but tbh these days I don't use the sleeves anymore I just thoroughly disinfect my hand/arm if I have to go in. I take off nail polish, keep my nails scrupulously clean and cut them short at foaling time
sterilised scissors I've never had any use for scissors
clean bucket I have stainless steel buckets
cloths/sponge to wash off udders/vulva yes
naval disinfectant yes
towels I use 2 towels per foal normally
zip ties (to tie up the placenta, easier than string) I tie afterbirth onto itself, I never tie it up anymore with string/rope, more trouble than it's worth
ivermectin wormer yes
black bag (for the placenta) that's what I use too
torch (stables do have lights) my foaling boxes have plenty of light
hibiscrub I use it for my hands/arms
bottle & teats I keep them and stores of colostrum in the house but I haven't ever needed them

Big box with a lid to keep it all in.
camera :D

Also what do I do with the placenta - there are dogs on the yard? I put mine in black bags in a wheelbarrow and then trundle off to the back of the farm and leave it for the coyotes. It smells and goes all watery if you leave it hanging around for much longer than a day so you'll want to figure out what works best in disposing of it

I have lots of other stuff (drugs and suchlike) that lives in my vet room in the house if I need it.


Well-Known Member
5 February 2011
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Thanks - I was kinda thinking the same about gloves - I don't do nail polish and have dreadfully short nails :p

Would the placenta burn? I don't know if there's anywhere we could bury it as all land is grazed and there are lots of dogs about (I believe that the placenta's not good for dogs) and the yards not really big enough to leave it somewhere the dogs won't find it.