How important is the 'click' factor?


Well-Known Member
5 April 2007
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How important do you think it is to 'click' with your horse?

I have had mine for over 18 months now and I have never really felt that 'click' with him. The horse I was riding before I got mine, however, I clicked with the first time I sat on him.

Do you think that the click factor is something that you only get at the start of the relationship - or is it possible to make it happen over time?

And if you feel that you have never clicked with your horse, did that make you get rid of it until you found a horse you did click with?


Well-Known Member
24 January 2007
west mids
Think you should click with your horse ,for his sake as well.
This morning my daughter finished riding her young horse and laid on his neck and said' I love this horse'
Nice moment!


Well-Known Member
2 April 2007
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taken a year to "click" with jay, wouldnt part with him for the world now

have had ponies when i BSJA that i never ever clicked with, but we got on well enough to do the job.


Well-Known Member
14 July 2007
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I think it is very important - sorry if thats not what you wanted to hear!

I clicked with Ellie immediately; we are just a perfect match in every way. I can't get one over her...she rarely manages to get one over me....

Clicked with Mickey, too, as soon as I held his head against me. It was like he was asking me to help him get over the horror of his past.

I used to have a loan pony called Rosie, who I never clicked with at all. She was with us for a year, but we just never got on. I can remember saying at the time that I loved her, I just didnt like her! In the same way, mum bought a little Section B as a yearling, in the hope that we could grow together, and that I would be able to have him as my 2nd pony when I outgrew my 12hh mare. But that never worked, either - it was always a chore for me to 'do' him, as I just didnt really get on with him! Lovely pony, but we just werent right for each other.

I would say its a bit like a human relationship - when two people get together because they are 'good friends'. the relationship may well work and be a lasting one, but most of the time it just lacks that special spark.


Well-Known Member
28 June 2007
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As soon as I saw Lacey I clicked with her and havn't looked back since.

As for Willow, I didn't want her atr first but with all we've been through I'll never part with her.


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16 May 2005
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I 'clicked' with both of mine the moment I saw them and sat on them...

Hannah was not what I was looking for, but as soon as I saw her and even more when I sat on her, I just knew she was coming home with me
We have had moments when I have questioned that click

Grace was not supposed to be a horse I clicked with... I thought she was a lovely looking horse when I went to see her, but her and I have got one of the strongest bonds now


Well-Known Member
12 March 2005
N Beds
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I clicked with Cat the first time I sat on him. Even so, it took a while to get to know each other properly because he was very aloof. To start with it was one of those r'ships that you know deep down is going to work, but there's stuff to sort out first.

With Adrian my head was totally messed up from losing Cat, so I bought something that could do the job, rode & looked like Cat & hoped for the best. I've had him 6 months & I think we're at the same stage or further forward r'shipwise as I was with Cat at the 6 month stage.

He is a little sweetheart, but he's my 2nd dream horse, so it's not going to be as frantically exciting as the first time round cos I've already done the fundamental click / v close r'ship thing once.


I think it's pretty important, unless you are a competition rider with a yard full of horses. I have had some that I just never clicked with, and they eventually had to go, others I have clicked with instantly, and have never been happier - for hore and myself.