How long after gelding till you can introduce into a mixed herd?


Well-Known Member
2 January 2018
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Horse in question is a 2yo, currently turned out with fellow colts, but definitely knows that he's entire when you lead him past a mare. If I were to purchase him, owners say they're happy for him to be gelded at home before moving yards. Now I had assumed that a horse his age will settle pretty quickly once gelded and so will be fine getting turned out in a mixed herd (the only option on my yard) as soon as he's recovered from the op. But my friend who came to see him with me said that the way in which he's already very interested in girls suggests that he'll need at least a couple months with geldings only, which I can't provide.



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29 June 2016
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it takes 4-6 weeks for the sperm inside the body to become infertile so 8 weeks to be safe seems fair if he is very colty as he could try to cover the girls and injure them or himself.

Errin Paddywack

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20 June 2019
West Midlands
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I had a colt that I had gelded as a 2 yr old. He did cover a couple mares first. After a few weeks he was turned out with my sister's very randy mare who promptly came in season and stayed in. He had a wonderful time with her for a while till he just couldn't be bothered any more and never did again.

I'm Dun

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20 May 2021
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it takes 4-6 weeks for the sperm inside the body to become infertile so 8 weeks to be safe seems fair if he is very colty as he could try to cover the girls and injure them or himself.

People say this, but when a newly gelded colt accidentally covered my mare the vet wasnt remotely concerned and said as soon as they are gelded they are infertile. I've always stuck to a month in winter and 6 weeks spring and summer when mares are in season.

Polos Mum

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22 September 2012
West Yorkshire
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I guess it is sperm in the system so to speak - they can't make fresh ones but in the same way they live in a person for a good few days I guess they live in the 'pipework'

More of a question is are they your mares and will you be annoyed if he mounts them for fun