How long for delivery from Robinsons?


Well-Known Member
9 March 2012
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We are in somerset. Still need a tweed jacket, white shaped numnah, flat hunter bridle,. Cream jodhpurs and a tail bandage. I think I I'll have to go to the tack shop to buy things despite it costing £££. Then cancel the order

Oh, you are nowhere near me (although I don't have a tweed jacket to offer anyway). I hope you are able to find a solution and are able to get to the tack shop today. I know's probably going to be expensive (they all seem to be nowadays, sadly, even though I'm desperate to support local shops it doesn't always make sense to buy from them) but if you're going to lose £35 anyway... At least this way you'd have the jacket etc. anyway for next time. Or a plea on FB for your horsey friends, to see who's got what lying about in their wardrobe?! You may be surprised!

Best of luck tomorrow and have fun!