How long??


Well-Known Member
26 May 2008
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Hetty has bagged up ready her croup muscles have loosened or started to. Last night the foal was the most active we've seen it!!! I checked her vulva and it was same as ever then half hour later I went to plait her tail, dunno why it was just a gut feeling, and her vulva had literally loosened and opened!! it was weird and amazing at the same time. She hasnt waxed up (yet!) but is bagged up. Now that her vulva has loosened and lengthened how long do youreacon? I checked her through teh night and nothing, no colicky signs or anything. although when i stroked her she turned and put her ears back and showed me her teeth.. she NEVER does that.

I guess its how long is a peice of string but we thought it would be here the next 12 - 48 hours what do you guys think?? how long is it before the vulva lengthens is foaling.. she has had at least one foal before that i know of!


Well-Known Member
16 March 2007
South Wales
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Just had a look at the site my mare is 323 days and her udders are no where near as big as even the 292 mares

They are slowly filling up though and i guess each mare is different.
However her vulva is very relaxed

Shes such a funny thing always goes about things topsey turvey!!!

Good Luck


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9 July 2006
Dumfries & Galloway
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i was just gonna ask the same question! My mare is a maiden and will be 16 on saturday. She is at 324 days and has vey little udder development. She is kinda swollen infront of the nipples but only small changes in the nipples themselves. Her back end has really softened the last 4 or so days and her vulva is very long and soft though not gapping open. Today it looks a little puffy. Any comments appreciated as my mare is a maiden and we are first time breeders.


3 September 2008
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Me too ! My maiden mare is 324 days today, her bag is about half full and been like that for 2 weeks. Her backend is like jelly when it is pressed, her vulva is very relaxed and gaping open and last night I think the foal was trying to kick it`s way out. My mare was a bit restless walking about and stamping her feet, kicking and swishing her tail ! Everyone keeps telling me she is weeks off because she has not fully bagged up so would be interested to see


Well-Known Member
26 July 2007
The Cotswolds
The simple answer is that every single mare is different. And guessing never really works!

We watch everything on the CCTV from day 320. We have literally foaled hundreds of mares down over the years, and the one thing I can tell you, is that no two are the same. Some show no signs and pop the foal out with no warning, and some show every sign under the sun for ages and then go overdue!

The best thing you can do is watch your mare as she nears her due date, and just wait for her to pop it out.