have 6 - 2 youngsters, 3 eventers and 1 dressage horse. They get at least 2 days off per week. Hence why 2 must go as this isn't sustainable with a full time job!
Five in total of my own. One away learning to be a show jumper, and three grazing in my charge, making seven at home (four mine plus the three) & one away.
All breeding / youngstock at home at the moment bar one, so no don't ride them all (thank goodness!)
One! I'd love more but just don't have the money! I ex him every day except one that my trainer schools him (gives me a day off). I'm always intrigued at how other people with full time jobs manage more than one horse? I'd love to consider buying no. 2 some time next year but worry that it could get too much.
I did have three, but over the past 18 months, I have gone down to one
My two year old kicked me in the face last April and caused a fractured mandible, so when I had to move stables, he was sold as I did not trust him any more. Then at Christmas my beloved Flyer (palomino) died of a heart attack.
I used to ride/lunge each horse daily (except the baby - he was walked out ect). Now I ride/hack daily or twice a day if I'm feeling energetic
I think I have 13 horses of my own right now. I ride almost every day and will ride 2 or 3 of them generally. Once in a while I have a blitz and ride 6 or 7 of them....but that doesn't happen too often. I don't really need to exercise mine myself though as others do it for me
Luckily got a few able girls on the yard without horses so I try and get someone else to ride him twice a week now to give him variation of rider....and give my butt a rest!
I have one and ride him 6 days a week in summer and 5 in winter. I am a one horse person and like to put all my time and effort into one...I don't think he would appreciate my attention on another horse anyway! LOL!
I have one of my own but ride another (i do everything with her though so its like she is more or less mine i just dont pay for her he he).
To be honest i dont really get time to ride both of them everyday as i work full time up London so my mare takes priority and Ellie gets fitted in at weekends and when i get a bit of spare time. Wish i did have time to fuss over her and ride her more though but i dont
At the last count 11, 2 stallions that are lunged and go in the field. 4 broodies who just slob about in the field, 3 foals and 2 yearlings all out in the field until sold.
So hopefully a few less this winter.
I have a total of 3. Mars, who is my daughters grade b showjumper, Joey, who I've got to sell, but don't want to, boo hoo, and Rusty, who was Megs first pony, who we've now loaned to the riding school - bless him, he's about 23 now, and his muzzle is all grey (he's chestnut), but he has a real aversion to being stabled, so put him in a stable, and he's like a 2 year old!!
I have 6 ATM. My 2 cobbies that are ridden as and when. Daughters pony ridden as and when. Kids old lead-rein pony (retired), midi shettie (pet) and rescue pony (temporarily homed!!)
I have 3, my pony Chess is out on loan, I ride my Mare Megan 4 days a week and compete her 1/2 days a week and Bailey (is turned away at the mo) but normally ridden 5/6 times a week and I work full time!! And not forgetting Esme my old mare (I loaned her didnt own her but count her as mine) who is in foal.