Annually for the two who have no dental issues. 6 monthly for the one who does (a missing upper molar which led to a rescued wave and shear mouth after years of absent or inadequate dentistry).
Once for mine. Ideally it would be 10 months according to the dentist, but my unorganised brain deals better with a year. The oldest girl is also once a year from the vet because no amount of dental check ups are going to make her teeth good again.
It was once a year for all of them, but now 3 of them need 6 monthly visits instead! (One with some small carries, one with a diastoma and one with sharp points) Gah! I guess the 4th will be getting a 6 monthly visit now too...
All mine have been done 6 monthly as youngsters up until about 8 and then things seem to start slowing down and they move to 10 months then yearly seems fine
Unless they have a particular issue, then its whenever they need to be checked!
Every 9 months. My EDT has always told us that ideally 9-10 months is best for most horses as that’s when there are little issues starting to appear. Sometimes if those get left for just a few more months, ulcers and things start appearing. Saying that, he does say that a lot of his clients prefer to stick to annually.
Normally checked with jabs. Wee guy hasn’t due to the COVID situation. Got his jabs but teeth couldn’t be checked. Will have to get him done at some point this year.
6-9 months for 14 year old mini shetland who we don't think has any history of previous dental checks.
Had been yearly for the 20 year old welsh cob X but she has developed a bit of a wavy mouth and some teeth are beginning to loosen. She's having a couple of diastemas packed in a couple of months time and then she'll be on 6 monthly visits.
Once a year by a very reputable equine dentist. When it was my vet one of mine needed doing every 6months. Dentist told me it hadn’t been done correctly in the past and he’d go a year no problem. Sure enough he goes a year and is much more comfortable. Vets don’t have as much training as the equine dentists do.
6 monthly while he was changing his teeth and now down to yearly unless any problems come up. He's very good with the dentist.
My oldie was on 6 monthly or less for his diastemas and he always needed sedating which was a bit of a nuisance.
I have had mine for 10ish montjs now, his teeth were done first thing when I got him. Now we did them again Last week, vet said now on once per year should be enough. Mine is a rescue, first time doing those teeth took alot of time and money, now it was not that big Job. I assume it depends alot of the horse, some get spikes in their teeth faster and easier than others. My previous needed it done every 6 months.
Generally about every 10 months, though the dentist is happy for them to go a year. This year was 14 months because of coronavirus but no harm done.
Mind you the companion hadn't ever had his done (new to me), so once in 20 odd years for him!
Should depend on age and teeth really. Up to 10 usually every 6 months and unless there’s any weird issues yearly thereafter. I don’t mess about with teeth for riding horses. I use a proper BAEDT - used to use vets until one made a horrible mess of my boy ?
Every 6 months but to check on the hole her molar left when taken out. EDT said we may be able to move to annually in a year or so depending on how the teeth around the hole sort themselves out but tbh for the sake of £50 I will probably just stick to 6 monthly for piece of mind.
She always had hers done every 6 months, but a couple of years ago the vet told me she could go to yearly. He said that's pretty unusual.
I think we'll get the yobs checked at 6 months just to be on the safe side.