Well-Known Member
I have only just started going to some local shows in the last few weeks with my son. He goes in the M&M, first ridden etc and generally does his best but we are novices and it really shows! But I am amazed by some of the little ponies in particular they and the children riding them seem like very well oiled machines - how much do these ponies and children train???? In some ways I am very admiring of them as it must take dedication to be that perfect, although in others I have been a bit concerned listening to the barrage of critisism the child gets from the parents/grandparents etc before, during and after the classs (although I went to a lovey show yesterday where generally people were very happy).
How do they do it? (not that we will be copying - not competitive enough
How do they do it? (not that we will be copying - not competitive enough