How much do you pay for DIY livery?


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2 January 2011
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I pay £121 pcm and have big stable, large individual paddock, 24/7 year round turn out, automatic poo picker, floodlit outdoor school, unlimited hay and a bale of straw a week.


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5 November 2012
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£130/month, which is by miles the cheapest in my area (London/Surrey border). Stable, all year turnout (out in day in at night), morning feed and turnout done, floodlit indoor school and jump paddock, a fair bit of storage space. I think trailer parking is £12 a month. They will do any other services, including a day of full livery for a reasonable fee. I love my yard and can't imagine leaving, but negatives are a) you can't bring your own instructor and b) the hacking is absolutely rubbish.


Well-Known Member
21 January 2010
Up t'dale
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Just over £150/month, including unlimited hay and a bag of wood pellets per week. Great grazing and all year turnout, new school just being built and reasonable hacking. I'm in North Yorkshire.


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25 July 2009
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Oh god I'm so jealous of some of you!! I pay £155 in summer for a stable, shared turnout with 9 other horses (my horse constantly covered in bites) and use of school - hay and straw is included though. Up to £200 per month in winter.


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1 January 2006
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Wow, some of you have amazing deals! Mine is £100 pcm, stable and year round turnout on good grazing, school is currently unusable but there is talk of it being resurfaced soon, so fingers crossed. It's close to home though and the hacking is not bad, so it suits me fine at the moment.


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29 October 2010
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i pay 35 a week includes - turnout in a morning, field use, stable, outdoor, building an indoor, jump field, miles of off road hacking, hay, shavings, rates

I love the yard :D


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3 March 2014
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Based in Surrey. £25 a week per horse for a stable and day time turnout summer only. Everything else on top (hay and straw at cost price) but don't pay for trailer parking. No school but can ride in fields and they allowed me to build a round pen too. during winter have use of a barn for turnout, hacking is good. I love it there though, just my 3 and the yard owner. Very relaxed and they cant do enough for you :)


Well-Known Member
5 November 2012
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£35 per week which included turn out in mornings.
We have horse walker, 'school' which desperately needs sorting, indoor barn, lots of grazing

shocked how cheap some people's livery is!!


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2 April 2009
West Sussex
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I always wonder why I read these threads, it’s a bit depressing! I know why my YO charges what she does (big rates on the property and she wants to pay her staff a decent wage) but I still feel a bit eek! at the prices at times.
I pay £245 for stable, field and lorry. If I want him turned out or brought in, it’s extra. I tend to put mine on bring in during winter so he is in early but other wise they are happy for him to be out from 6.30 until 5.
I can by hay, feed and bedding from the yard or buy it in as I have space to store it all plus room for everything else that horse owners collect.
Turn out is in groups split to large boys, small boys and mares. Post and rail fencing and the good grazing that stood up to all the rain last year (only a handful of days kept off the fields) turn out overnight in summer if you want if not can stay on day turnout.
20x60 school with good surface, jump paddock that isn’t grazed and well maintained plus a few xc jumps round the land. Hacking is fab, either round their own land or over to Epsom or Headley (gives you a clue where I am in Surrey, the expensive part).
All the stables are good sized, and although it’s a barn set up the stables are external (think facing out instead of in). They include morning and evening feed and hay if you want and do a late night hay at 9. If your horse is on box rest they will hay at intervals during the day for you.
The thing that makes it worth it is the management and people. My YO has bent over backwards to accommodate me and my horse when he was injured, letting me use the small individual paddocks available or making my own when they didn’t work. He is now in his own good sized paddock and I'm not charged any extra. The people are lovely and there is no nastiness or gossiping. The people who work there are fab and keep their horses there as well. It doesn’t offer part livery as such as but can tailor to people’s needs.
For me it makes the yard priceless and I have no intention of leaving


Well-Known Member
12 March 2010
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£100/month for stable, turnout and use of arena. Feed, bedding and forage ordered in separately by the liveries. It's "true" DIY livery, we don't have a YM and the YO doesn't really get involved at all beyond some maintenance. When we did the fences for this winter we bought everything ourselves, did the work ourselves, and agreed an amount to be deducted from the livery payment for that month.

Basic, but the arena's great and there's decent hacking. The horses want for nothing and it suits us to be able to come and go as we please. The only thing is there's no option of extra services as no yard staff, have to make arrangements with other liveries or get someone freelance in to cover holidays etc.; luckily for me my sister's horse is there too so we can generally cover for each other when needed.


Well-Known Member
23 December 2011
East Yorkshire
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On my current yard i pay £25 a week per horse for stable, turn out and use of school/Jumps. Horse walker is extra. I buy my hay and shavings off them which works out quite expensive at £7.00 a bag for 3 big mucky horses and £30 A bale of hay which isn't bad, We have to use shavings/hay off them so sourcing own straw/haylage isnt an option.

I am moving yards at the end of the month (Through no fault of the yard, i am moving onto my instructors yard so i can get in more training with horses) It is £45 per week per horse (So 3) With full use of school (60 x 100 i believe) and showjumps, indiviual turn out and straw and haylage included. Wagon parking us usually extra but with taking 3 they have thrown it in :)


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3 August 2011
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I'm in the North West and I pay £173 a month (works out just over £40 a week)
This includes stable, turn out (only a few hours in winter), outdoor arena with use of jumps (with flood lights, indoor arena (again with jumps if you want), a sand arena with working hunter fences, 'derby bank', ditches, little 'devils dyke', open water etc, unlimited haylage and round-pen. They also put in morning nets and feeds if left outside the stable.
Theres a hot water horse shower that you put £1 in and get use for about 30 minutes and a solarium thats the same.
Shavings are extra at £6 per bag, pellets and straw available too but I'm not sure on the price as I don't use them.
Services are available if you need them for example they will turn out/bring in, rug change etc for like a £1 or something. A days full livery is also available if needed for £5 per day.
Lorry/trailer parking is free.
I've been on a few yards and think I get great value for money, even though I only have a yearling so don't use the jumps etc I still feel its a fantastic price.
Can you tell I love my yard?!

where are you?
I pay the same for about half of what you get! :D


Well-Known Member
13 March 2012
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£130 a month, stable, great paddocks, huge school with floodlights. No hay or services included but can add on anything (at decent prices) all the way up to full livery.


Well-Known Member
3 August 2011
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I'm in the north west too!
I pay £173.33 which is around £40 a week
we get:

- Lovely 12x12 stable which is open plan (So my boy can have a look see at whats going on!)
- Roughly 30x60 menage, great when other people are riding but pain when trying to learn dressage test!
- indoor 25x25 more like a lunge pen but can turn out in there if required
- unlimited hay,haylage (in the winter) and straw - which i suppose in winter makes up for the summer cost!
- must admitt we have some great hacking areas!
- tiny little tea room
- locked tack room

would LOVE:
- hot water
- horse solarium
- indoor school (20x60)

... maybe one day eh? ;)


Well-Known Member
7 July 2010
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£200/month for massive stable (14x14), 60 x 50 outdoor school (with (free) floodlights and great surface and full set of Jump 4 Joy affiliated showjumps with fillers, water trays, etc.), walker, decent turnout (24/7 in the summer if wanted), hot water shower for horse plus solarium, secure tack room, hay/straw/bedding storage (covered), toilet (heated with hot water), kitchen (with hot water, kettle, microwave, fridge and washer and dryer), free/secure lorry/trailer parking, no set hours, good hacking.

We're in West Berkshire.



Well-Known Member
3 December 2011
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I am in south east kent. I pay 35 pw for stable and own storage room. All year round turnout, menage, good hacking, tea room, secure tack room, owners on site, hay/feed/bedding all available on site, lunge pen, parking for trailers at 10 per month, I think its pretty reasonable, yo is lovely and very helpful, lots of fun people to hack with and have endless cups of tea with as well!!