How much do you pay for horse transport?


Well-Known Member
7 May 2012
Farnborough Hampshire
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How much do you pay for getting to a show, vet, cliic etc?
Are charged by the mile, and what about time ''waiting'' at a show, are you charged for that too?
I am l.ooking into horse tranportation with my horsebox, I have found out how much insurance is and care, custody and control insurance.
No Animal transport certificate required as not travelling any further than 40 miles. Horsebox 3.5 tonne payload of 1.2 tonne.

Just trying to work out figures to see if i can be competative enough.

thank you in advace.:)


Well-Known Member
11 October 2009
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Hi, just to clarify that you do have to do the certificate of competancy course to set up a horse transport business.

The Welfare in Animal Transport legislation was finally passed at the end of November 2006 and came into force on 5th January 2007.

As from January 5, many people will need a vehicle/trailer certificate and State Veterinary Service (SVS) authorisation to transport horses for up to eight hours and from January 2008 a WATO’s Certificate of Competence.

You WILL DEFINITELY need a Certificate of Competence if you are:

transporting horses for hire or reward on journeys of over 65km or up to 8 hours
transporting someone else’s horses for payment
transporting horses for sale or to an abattoir for slaughter
transporting horses as part of their business

You WILL NOT need a Certificate of Competence if you are:

transporting horses not in connection with an economic activity

farmers moving their own horses in their own vehicles for seasonal migration between pastures for a distance of less than 50km from their holding

transporting horses directly to or from veterinary practices or clinics under the advice of a vet without payment

An individual transporting their own horse in their own vehicle for a non-economic activity on a journey of less than 65km or under 8 hours

A ‘ hobby breeder’, where the income from the hobby does not significantly exceed the expenditure

A person transporting their own horse in their own vehicle to a show or other event for the purpose of pleasure or recreation – the winning of minor prize money DOES NOT constitute an ‘economic activity’.

A person transporting another person’s horse in their vehicle for ‘petrol money‘, providing no profit is involved.


Well-Known Member
19 May 2006
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You need a DEFRA licence as well to apply for with Animal Welfare Team at Defra.

3.5t lorries are covered under domestic hours with VOSA so you need to adhere to these as well.

If you are going to have just a Type 1 licence, although you say you won't be going far, to do shows you will need to ENSURE you are within the 8 hour period.

Your reward and hire insurance, care custody and control, public liability insurance, diesel costs, servicing costs, Trade Equine Recovery Service costs and what you need to make a living- all of these actually dictate the price you set for people.

Good luck


Well-Known Member
29 November 2007
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Agree because it is a business you def DO need to do the cert. Only if non commercial can you get the exemption for short journeys (and that distance doesnt take you that far anyway, you really need to be able to go further than that)

But to answer original question, for longer trips where the client is the sole load you are looking at about £1-1.30 a mile for a one way hire (maybe less per mile if they also want taking back home again). Plus waiting time as agreed

For a shared load probably £0.70 -£1.00m per mile.

Rates per horse, tho there might be negotiable discount for 2+.


Well-Known Member
7 May 2012
Farnborough Hampshire
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Thanks for all that info, Its a minefield:rolleyes:

will have to make a few phone calls and try and talk to a few people,

If its going to be more hassel than its worth i wont bother, just had a few people on my local horse facebook page asking for reasnable priced transport, so thought i would look into it.

thanks again.:)