How much should I expect to pay for....


Well-Known Member
26 January 2011
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Someone to come to my yard to school my horse?

I would be looking for someone to come 3 times a week min, to school my horse, starting with 20 mins (as he has been off all winter) building to 30/40 mins.

Horse is an easy ride just looking for someone to get him going again for me.

Looking for an idea of what people would pay/expect to pay...


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25 November 2013
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Slightly too far ha ! Im north yorks

Personally for 30 mins work providing I didnt have to drive more than 20 mins to get to the horse i would charge £20


Well-Known Member
26 January 2011
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I pay £20 for an hours lesson inc travel, maybe I should base it on that but I did think it would be less than that


Well-Known Member
14 November 2010
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I agree with £20-30.

I wouldn't expect shorter sessions to be cheaper; an extra twenty minutes riding isn't really here or there when the travel / tacking up / time spent before and after riding stay the same.


Well-Known Member
26 January 2011
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I will base it on the £20, but I do see a difference of being taught by a qualified instructor and having someone competent ride the horse 3 x a week, I wouldnt see them needing to be qualified for that role, just someone who wants to ride a nice easy horse for a few weeks/months, maybe a good uni student or similar, but I will call round a few people.
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Well-Known Member
21 June 2010
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£15 absolute minimum but probably more like £20, you are paying for a skill not time and you get what you pay for, if you don't want to pay much you're unlikely to get anyone very experienced and may be better off just lunging the horse. You could look on the British Grooms Association to see what freelance grooms charge


Well-Known Member
13 November 2010
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In a lesson I am taught for 1 hour by a qualified instructor. I am looking for someone to ride my horse for 30 mins 3 x week, the horse would be tacked up ready for them, and the would hand him back off to me when finished. The person does not need to be a qualified instructor, just a competent kind rider looking to ride a few times a week.

You're still asking a professional to carry out training though. I charge the same for schooling as I do for teaching, and generally find that a horse improves faster through schooling than it does in lessons. Getting someone to ride the horse for exercise a few times a week is different - I think you need to decide what it is you want to achieve


Well-Known Member
13 November 2010
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My instructor comes down in the week and rides mine when I'm not there. She catches him, grooms him and tacks up. She then rides a session however long that will be and then puts him back out again. She charges me £24.00 which is what she charges me when I have a lesson. She has a set of keys and just lets me know what day she's coming down so I can leave the tack. I've just had a three week holiday, she had the tack and she rode him during my time away. In your case what you seem to be looking for possibly is a sharer? Or ask your instructor what she would charge for doing it for you?


Well-Known Member
26 January 2011
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You're still asking a professional to carry out training though. I charge the same for schooling as I do for teaching, and generally find that a horse improves faster through schooling than it does in lessons. Getting someone to ride the horse for exercise a few times a week is different - I think you need to decide what it is you want to achieve

Sorry, I just edited my post to be a little clearer. I am not looking for a professional, they dont need to be qualified, just a competent kind rider looking for a ride a few times a week - I used to pay a uni student who had a horse at home but was here term time. This was a good few years ago so I wanted to get an idea of cost. Horse does not need reschooling, just riding whilst I recover from an illness. My original post was not clear.


Well-Known Member
26 January 2011
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My instructor comes down in the week and rides mine when I'm not there. She catches him, grooms him and tacks up. She then rides a session however long that will be and then puts him back out again. She charges me £24.00 which is what she charges me when I have a lesson. She has a set of keys and just lets me know what day she's coming down so I can leave the tack. I've just had a three week holiday, she had the tack and she rode him during my time away. In your case what you seem to be looking for possibly is a sharer? Or ask your instructor what she would charge for doing it for you?

Yes, basically a sharer but I would pay them and its not long term, just till I get my balance back, a couple of months max. I really was not clear, my bad.

I am unable to edit my original post to make it clearer so am stuck with it sounding like a professional is required.