New User
Hi, New to the forum so please bear with me. I know this gets asked often, but just looking for advice on how much weight you think I need to lose before riding my pony. She's a 13h Welsh X and quite stocky. She is my step daughters (who doesn't live with us, only every other week) pony, so could do with more exercise in between. Id like to ride her as height wise im fine (only 5'2) but I'm too heavy at the moment. I've lost over a stone so far, but still at 11.5st. How much more should I lost before hand do you think? I obviously don't want to cause her any injury, and also don't want to be that person at the yard that everyone is whispering about! I would be doing light hacking with her. I've added a photo of her. We've only had her a few days, and she has been regularly worked before that, both schooling and jumping so is fit and healthy. She's only 10 years old too.
Your thoughts would be appreciated. Thank you
Your thoughts would be appreciated. Thank you