how to amuse my bored cob while hes unable to work


Well-Known Member
19 July 2011
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So my 4 year old cob has an injury which means he will be off full work for at least 3 months. He will depending on how he is be able to do some light ground work after 4 weeks and physio will give me some exercises for him to do.

However 2 weeks in and he is completely bored ( he is the sort of horse who needs to keep his brain active) he loves his work, i have been fetching him in spending time with him grooming him but has anyone any other ideas of anything i can do to engage and tire his brain without putting stress on his bad leg.

thing is he isnt usually the type to hoon around but lately has had the odd crazy day and its not good for him to be running around as it aggrivates his injury, i think the running around is due to boredom. he is best out with his injury so cant fetch him in. he is on a starvation paddock in the day with soaked hay and then a small amount of grass at night.

He went from being ridden 6 days a week to field rest bless him.

he is now of the bute and sound in walk just got to wait for healing.

Any ideas welcome :)


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15 May 2014
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Have you got a snack ball that he can play with and put some pony nuts in? (Presuming this won't put to much pressure on his leg)
or a string with his favorite veg on that you can hang somewhere (presuming you hang the hay net so there could be somewhere to hang in the field if he is not stabled?)
Mine particularly loves a suede and a parsnip with of course carrots and apples! Baling twine is good and drill some holes through the veg?

Hope he makes a speedy recovery!:)


Well-Known Member
11 April 2014
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To me the only way for healing is box rest, i cannot see how an injury that cannot sustain light work can sustain movement in a field, be it hooning around, thats just me. Hope he recovers soon


Well-Known Member
19 July 2011
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Have you got a snack ball that he can play with and put some pony nuts in? (Presuming this won't put to much pressure on his leg)
or a string with his favorite veg on that you can hang somewhere (presuming you hang the hay net so there could be somewhere to hang in the field if he is not stabled?)
Mine particularly loves a suede and a parsnip with of course carrots and apples! Baling twine is good and drill some holes through the veg?

Hope he makes a speedy recovery!:)

Hi he does have a treat ball but usually polishes it off in five mins or is abit thick and kicks it to wrong side of fence lol!

I can hang veg of the fnce for him thats an excellent idea thanks :)


Well-Known Member
19 July 2011
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To me the only way for healing is box rest, i cannot see how an injury that cannot sustain light work can sustain movement in a field, be it hooning around, thats just me. Hope he recovers soon

Hi he has a gracilis tear in his groin and both physio and vet said box rest is the worst thing for it as he needs to keep it moving he is now sound in walk and comfortable off bute so improving but we need to wait for the lump where the tear is to reduce and physio to treat it before any light work is allowed.

he is cold hosed twice daily and also having cold gel and arnica cream applied.

He is kept on small paddocks not a huge field and like i say isnt usually one for hooning (he is far to lazy lol) however if left on his own in stable has been known to get all wound up and so prob more likely to do more damage hence he is out :)


Well-Known Member
11 April 2014
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of thats right you posted before, is he getting any better, did vet say how long it would take to heal because i guess the one muscle has pulled away from another, must be so sore.

just make sure he always has some hay to snack on. how often can you fill up a treat ball, would he play with a jolly ball, how many carrots could you feed a day, how many suedes would he eat and kick around, its like a long piece of string really.


Well-Known Member
19 July 2011
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of thats right you posted before, is he getting any better, did vet say how long it would take to heal because i guess the one muscle has pulled away from another, must be so sore.

just make sure he always has some hay to snack on. how often can you fill up a treat ball, would he play with a jolly ball, how many carrots could you feed a day, how many suedes would he eat and kick around, its like a long piece of string really.

Hi he is much better thanks :) he is still sore but happy to walk around now and sound when he walks. lumps has reduced already but is still quite large. vet and physio say up to 3 months before he can start proper work again and then needs to be brought back slowly but should make a full recovery.

Im doing everything possible to help it heal lol:)

Physio is coming next week to start doing some work on it and to give me some exercises to help strengthen it as it heals to hopefully prevent reoccurance.

he has hay in a trickle net so takes him a while to eat it as other prob is he needs exercise to keep him trim lol! i fill his treat ball morning and night. could give him a football that may amuse him. def going to try the veg tied at differnt places around the paddock lol!

Also going to do stretches with him (front end obviously) when i get him in to groom :)


Well-Known Member
11 April 2014
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Its hard work and a worry for us owners cos we love them so much, but he will come right, good luck