How to find info on older Thorowgood


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24 September 2021
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Is there any way to find info on an older Thorowgood? Sadly it looks like their serial # checking service is down indefinitely.

The one I have is fabric everywhere except for the flaps and billet straps, which are... rubber, I think? And there are faux-leather velcro knee blocks. It's a GP style, and has a rounded cantle. I would guess it's at least 10 years old, likely older.

As far as I can tell, it does not have a changeable gullet - there are no screws or velcro anywhere. There is no tag anywhere listing the model, only a large sewn-down tag with washing instructions, and a handwritten serial number and size (17269/2, 18M).

Any information on what saddle this might be is welcome! I've finally moved from groundwork to riding my boy, only to discover that none of the three saddles that I were told were his fit him very well! (And in fact, turns out none of them are actually "his"). And it's looking like getting a saddle fitter in might be an issue (all the local ones I've found only fit very expensive brands AND have a very long waiting list, or else are travelling, and only seem to come 1-2x a year) - I think I'm in for a crash course in fitting my saddle myself. I'm still experimenting with the three that I have, but so far the Thorowgood seems to fit the least worst of the three. I'm hoping that I can use it to perhaps help me buy something that fits him properly, or close enough, until I can get a fitter. Luckily, there seems to be a thriving market here for older but decent used saddles for cheap!


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24 September 2021
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Have you got a photo of it? If you send a photo to TG they should be able to identify the model, size wise the 18M at end of serial number may be 18" Medium?
Unfortunately they're quite explicit that they will no longer do this ("not online, nor by phone nor email").

They instead have a page where they list identifying features of their various models (T4, T8, L6, and T6), but none of them are the fabric-and-rubber combo of mine. If I can't find ANY info elsewhere, though, I may write to them anyway on the grounds of "did you ever make a model that is NOT listed?"

(And yes, the 18M is almost certainly the size - I'm just trying to figure out the model!)


As excited as Kitty about to be a bridesmaid
9 March 2011
Tiny farm some where in UK
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How very rude of them. There will certainly be people there that could identify an older model. To be honest it sounds very old, I'd say 20+ years so would be unlikely you'd be able to find a similar one but as you say might be useful to identify a current one that might suit.

What about putting a picture up here or on Facebook? Someone might recognise it?

ETA Griffins were older model thorowgoods, and they certainly made many many more models than the T and L ranges ☺️


riding reluctantly into the sunset
21 February 2013
the sat-nav is wrong, go farther up the hill
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There was a very old Thorowgood I think that had an Allen key screw at the front of the pommel. 1990’s? It was all synthetic ‘leather’. No synthetic ‘suede’.
I rode in one once. I don’t know about the fit but I found it comfortable.


Well-Known Member
23 August 2010
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well i have one that must be 30 years old, i just cannot remember the name!

its a fab saddle. i have all sorts here, but i rode my older horse, 22, in it the other day and he went very well in it, i intend to get new straps and keep it, it cost 15 quid!

i have lots of saddles but that little saddle is feather light, and with a prolite pad was so comfortable for him and myself, and i always ride him with a light seat, he prefers that

the EURO was cloth so maybe its come to think of it


Well-Known Member
20 December 2014
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It sounds like the griffin. They were not adjustable. Wintec did adjustable saddles but thorowgood didn't start doing them til quite a while later.

If your horse is constantly changing shape a treeless or tcs might be better until you get a settled shape.