this seems like such a stupid question but here goes - my current horse is a very honest ISH who locks onto things and goes for it. He’s brilliant and such a confidence giver and I’ve never had to worry about refusals or run outs with him because he loves his job. He recently went lame and will be out for a couple of months so I’ve been loaning a cob cross from a local riding school instead to keep me busy… but he’s so cheeky and really sharp at times. Every jump we come to, especially XC fences, he tries to get out of it - there’s nothing wrong with him physically, once he gets going he loves it and has a fantastic jump - but he just won’t do it if he can find a way out (don’t blame him I’d be the same?). I’ve gotten very good recently at reducing the run outs to once in a blue moon but because of this he always gets me when I least expect it. I mean you will be just about to take off for the jump and he’s gone from underneath you and because of this I have had a fall basically every time he runs out.
i just want to know - how in the world do you sit a run out when you least expect it. I know my seat just has to improve in general because I haven’t had to worry about this since I’ve ridden a school pony! But what can I do with my seat when approaching a spooky jump that he might run out at that will minimise my fall risk ??
For those of you who will say I need an instructor to help me - I have one and she’s been the one who’s helped me reduce these refusals from about 5 a day to not even once a week. I’m just asking in general for those of you who may have experienced this!
this seems like such a stupid question but here goes - my current horse is a very honest ISH who locks onto things and goes for it. He’s brilliant and such a confidence giver and I’ve never had to worry about refusals or run outs with him because he loves his job. He recently went lame and will be out for a couple of months so I’ve been loaning a cob cross from a local riding school instead to keep me busy… but he’s so cheeky and really sharp at times. Every jump we come to, especially XC fences, he tries to get out of it - there’s nothing wrong with him physically, once he gets going he loves it and has a fantastic jump - but he just won’t do it if he can find a way out (don’t blame him I’d be the same?). I’ve gotten very good recently at reducing the run outs to once in a blue moon but because of this he always gets me when I least expect it. I mean you will be just about to take off for the jump and he’s gone from underneath you and because of this I have had a fall basically every time he runs out.
i just want to know - how in the world do you sit a run out when you least expect it. I know my seat just has to improve in general because I haven’t had to worry about this since I’ve ridden a school pony! But what can I do with my seat when approaching a spooky jump that he might run out at that will minimise my fall risk ??
For those of you who will say I need an instructor to help me - I have one and she’s been the one who’s helped me reduce these refusals from about 5 a day to not even once a week. I’m just asking in general for those of you who may have experienced this!