How to tell if a hoof trimmed properly


Well-Known Member
16 July 2010
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My horses are barefoot.
Can anyone advise how to tell a well trimmed hoof. My farrier does mine but ive not much idea how to tell if its done well or not.
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17 June 2015
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It's a lot more complicated than just looking at the hoof shape. It depends on so many things such as:
Overall health of the hoof and horse
State of the hoof when the horse first goes barefoot- it can take several trim cycles to change the hoof significantly
Length of trim cycle- more regular trims make it easier to keep on top of problems and abnormalities
Type of work - a hoof that only works on sand with soft turn out Will naturally become a totally different shape to the hoof that does predominantly road work and has hard standing turn out (and all the variations between)
Diet, saddle fitting, any body issues and even dentistry can all affect hoof shape and health too.
I encourage all my clients to ask questions. If you're worried, ask your farrier how to check the hoof is balanced. If you get a comprehensive answer that makes sense and your horse is sound then everything is probably fine!


Well-Known Member
29 July 2015
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It's so individual it can be hard to tell. If they're sound, comfortable, no separation or severe mechanical cracking (ie walls left too long), no abcessing... you're probably good. A lot of folks get hung up on a shape but there's no one size perfect shape for every horse (or the feet on the same horse for that matter).


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21 April 2007
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This is in no way an exclusive list but you can get a good idea by getting right down to ground level. Does the hoof look balanced in front and level with the coronet? Do they look flared at the base? Some horses just don't ever grow symmetrical feet but it's a good basic start. Sideways - are the heels underrun? Are the toes long? Do the heels look nice and open at the back? Do they look level from side to side and front to back if you pick the foot up and look across the sole? The heel should meet the start of the frog, not in front of it if that makes sense (haven't had my dinner yet so someone with less brain fog will explain that better). Is there a lot of sole/foot out in front of the frog or do the proportions look right?