HOYS : Pulling it out of the bag…


Well-Known Member
23 September 2012
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Hate seeing it and the local show eliminated someone for trying that stunt in a family pony class this year. Unless you’ve got a properly padded trick saddle, you’re standing on their spine and even then I’m not sure it’s great.

Good on the pony for behaving but it’s not something the HOYS account should be celebrating or sharing.


Afraid of exorcism
5 October 2015
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Hate seeing it and the local show eliminated someone for trying that stunt in a family pony class this year. Unless you’ve got a properly padded trick saddle, you’re standing on their spine and even then I’m not sure it’s great.

Good on the pony for behaving but it’s not something the HOYS account should be celebrating or sharing.
Because now they'll all be doing it to win next year ☹️


Well-Known Member
28 August 2017
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Hate seeing it and the local show eliminated someone for trying that stunt in a family pony class this year. Unless you’ve got a properly padded trick saddle, you’re standing on their spine and even then I’m not sure it’s great.

Good on the pony for behaving but it’s not something the HOYS account should be celebrating or sharing.

Far as I’m aware the HOYS account has neither shared it nor celebrated it


Well-Known Member
28 August 2017
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I’m another that hates seeing that manoeuvre. Such a weird thing to do! Unless you’re a Cossack!
This was an 8/9 year old little girl.

It was an impromptu thing, as her mum’s “OMG what is she doing!” in footage plainly shows. She was also standing like that for literally a blink of an eye before diving back down again.

I regret bothering to post it and will ask for it to be deleted as these miserable comments - and when it’s a young child they’re about - sicken me.


Well-Known Member
21 July 2016
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This was an 8/9 year old little girl.

It was an impromptu thing, as her mum’s “OMG what is she doing!” in footage plainly shows. She was also standing like that for literally a blink of an eye before diving back down again.

I regret bothering to post it and will ask for it to be deleted as these miserable comments - and when it’s a young child they’re about - sicken me.

Hard agree. She was a young kid. She weighs next to nothing. A plot second is not going to cause a problem. She weighs no more standing up than sitting down for heaven sake.

And it does prove pony is first ridden. Bet the winner had an experienced child on it and us ridden by adults at home.

Bah humbug.


Tough but Fair
17 January 2009
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It's always pretty funny when everyone gets so pearl-clutchy and miserable about someone hopping up on their horse's bum; I've seen faaaar worse atrocities taking place with people sitting in a saddle. Do you also have this reaction when watching roman riding and other types of horse entertainment shows, or vaulting? I'm too old now, but it's one thing I would have loved to have a go at, and the people I know who do this sort of thing for a living are amazingly good at it.

NB* you don't stand on the horse's spine, you put your feet on either side of it.


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18 June 2005
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If I recall correctly the pony was in a fulmer snaffle.

I bought a pony from this family a few years ago. They are home produced and the ponies all do PC etc. as well as showing I definitely don't think it will catch on but it brightened the class up and proved that the pony in question is a genuine FR pony.


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29 October 2008
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When I had riding lessons in the 80's we had a 'far out' teacher, a bit of a hippie type, lovely guy but just different. He taught us to stand on the back of our horses after we'd taken our saddles off. TBH no one actually died doing that but they were typical riding school types that would doze in halt so us clambering around on their backs was just 'another day'.

It was good because it taught us balance, it feels a long, long way up when you are only 11 or 12, especially as I always ended up riding the 16.3hh type because I was so lanky and tall.


Well-Known Member
22 August 2020
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This was an 8/9 year old little girl.

It was an impromptu thing, as her mum’s “OMG what is she doing!” in footage plainly shows. She was also standing like that for literally a blink of an eye before diving back down again.

I regret bothering to post it and will ask for it to be deleted as these miserable comments - and when it’s a young child they’re about - sicken me.
Unfortunately you will obviously get people that don't mind it and people that dislike it. A local pony club to me posted pictures over the summer with the kids standing on the ponies. Just why would it be encouraged? Like I said in my previous post it's just my opinion.


Tough but Fair
17 January 2009
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Unfortunately you will obviously get people that don't mind it and people that dislike it. A local pony club to me posted pictures over the summer with the kids standing on the ponies. Just why would it be encouraged? Like I said in my previous post it's just my opinion.
Well, why would you encourage anything really? It does no harm and is just another thing that you can do with your pony; in fact it is good to teach balance and feel (riders), and to get the horse to accept yet another thing that we want to do on their backs. I mean, there's a whole actual sport based around standing on horse's backs: vaulting. I have a sneaking feeling that some people on here don't like it because it's something that chavs do.....
28 February 2011
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Well, why would you encourage anything really? It does no harm and is just another thing that you can do with your pony; in fact it is good to teach balance and feel (riders), and to get the horse to accept yet another thing that we want to do on their backs. I mean, there's a whole actual sport based around standing on horse's backs: vaulting. I have a sneaking feeling that some people on here don't like it because it's something that chavs do.....

Your last sentence made me properly laugh 😂😂

A lot of flat breakers yards stand on their backs every so often. There is a very good reason for this. Horses get used to you being on the ground next to them. Then they get used you being on top of them in their blind spot and trust you. What these horses then have to accept is someone climbing into the starting stalls and being higher above them again to help an unruly one or be a calming hand on another. It's not a bad thing to teach them to accept people even higher up that them or what they were used to.


Einstein would be proud of my Insanity...
30 January 2015
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Apart from seeing adults standing on horses with a kissing spines diagnosis, I don't understand why it bends anyone out of shape really.

By definition, the "rider" is in perfect balance or they'd fall off.

It's no more unnatural than any of the many other things we do on horses and tbh I'd rather see that than side saddle, which is by definition asymmetric.

Brave kid in that environment.


Well-Known Member
19 October 2009
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Well it was certainly something different and seemed to get a positive reaction from the crowd.

It’s not something I like to see personally but although the child didn’t get a high ride mark she wasn’t dumped completely on marks.

I think her lack of placing had more to do with the pony’s type rather than performance. The pony is a classic first ridden hunter pony but unfortunately that class does not exist so show pony he is.
Really super pony and rider.


Well-Known Member
18 June 2005
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Well it was certainly something different and seemed to get a positive reaction from the crowd.

It’s not something I like to see personally but although the child didn’t get a high ride mark she wasn’t dumped completely on marks.

I think her lack of placing had more to do with the pony’s type rather than performance. The pony is a classic first ridden hunter pony but unfortunately that class does not exist so show pony he is.
Really super pony and rider.
Agreed. The same pony also had a ticket for the 122 SHP, he was just out of the placings in that class with the the FR jockey's sister.
Most importantly he's a true child's pony and there's no greater worth than that 😊