Hugs for m mate andher pony!! Had a bit of a tumble!


Well-Known Member
2 January 2006
Just up from that street on the right.....
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My mate emailed me today with her report from her dressage comp at the weekend.............seems all REALLY did not go to plan!! Too long to rewrite and Im pants at summarising so email below:

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Well, Sunday was a terrible day! We got to the show fine and I got on him to warm him up. He was a bit hyper but nothing unusual for him, then all of a sudden he went nuts! He reared, then bucked then launched himself vertically into the air and kicked out. I lost my balance at this point and had no hope
of controlling him and I figured that I prob wasn't gonna manage stay on much longer (and it was probably gonna get worse) so I bailed out the side. Unfortunately I didn't realize I was beside the fence and I managed to land head first on the fence post and flip out of the school and into the field! Once I came off W he hit the ground running and went straight out of the school (no one had closed the gate) and went flat out gallop onto the icy concrete. He hit the concrete and fell onto his side, skidded along the ground for 10ft until he crashed into G's car and got his leg stuck under it. Some how they managed to get him out and get him upright again. There
was blood pumping out of his leg (there was actually a stream of it running down the yard) and he went into shock.

While all this was going on, I apparently flopped like a fish along the ground until I got back under the fence and into the school. I didn't know what had happened to Will and all I could hear was people screaming. I couldn't get up for a bit cos my head was swimming and I felt a bit like I'd been stabbed in the side. Apparently I kept trying to get up but my friend E kept pushing me back down cos A (owns my yard with H and he took me to the show) had seen W fall and thought they were gonna have to shoot him there and then. He didn't want me to see that so E pinned me on the floor.

I eventually screamed at E to take me to will and when I got to him he was near collapsing on the floor and people were running round with blood soaked sheets and bandages trying to get the blood to stop coming out of his leg. I freaked out and apparently I called the nearest vets (new Deer) and screamed at them to get to me now and fix my horse. I threatened to hit the paramedic person who was trying to examine me - I figured that as I wasn't bleeding to death there was no need to fuss over me. Vet arrived and fixed W up! Got my vet out today and he is gonna be on box rest for at least two weeks. Stupid horse, can't believe he did that, or that he survived with out breaking anything!

Oh and I have had a headache ever since and I can't actually turn my head cos I pulled muscles in my neck and shoulders!

If it was me I would have SERIOUSLY freaked out!!! So Hugs to my mate and her poor pony!!! He is a wee mischeif maker but really outdid himself this time!!

And what Do you sent a sick pony and bruised owner along with their get well soon card??


Well-Known Member
25 March 2005
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There is an important lesson here - any of us can find ourselves in a situation like this; both us and our horse are injured. I think especially in a situation like this where there are capable people who can take care of the horse, you have to take care of yourself. There really is very little you can do for your horse, however you could compound your injuries to the point of paralysis.

If an ambulatory vet can take care of this on scene, and the horse requires only 2 weeks box rest his injuries must have appeared much worse then they were and certainly makes risking it more needless.

Guys although many of you will not admit it - horses are replaceable and are not worth the risk of compounding your injuries. You take care of yourself, and someone will take care of your horse.


Well-Known Member
2 January 2006
Just up from that street on the right.....
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She has had the pony from a baby abd is very attatched to it, and I knows it cruel, but I have seen her in a mood and actually picturing it in my head its slightly funny cos how she gets when she is on a 'mission'. And unfortunately Blood looks worse on a grey so looks scarier.

Also to be learnt - SALT and GRIT yard if you have a Comp on and its frosty........and try and close, or at least have something, stopping potentially lose horses bolting out the school.


22 September 2006
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Suggest bunch of carrots and a soft neck pillow.

We had a some what similar experience when my daughters very green but delightful horse espied her first llama ata local show! Daughter had just mounted, not even properly on really. Horse absolutely bug eyed. Went quickly into reverse, as one would. Llamas are real scary. Unfortunately very cleverly turned while reversing at speed in between two vehicles and trailers. Plenty of room really, but not suficient to practice your first rear with rider on board. Over she went, daughter flew into one car, horse managed to roll opposite way and caught one of her forelegs under the mudguard of the other trailer.

Daughter bruised and surprised- wanted to buy llama to bring home and desensitise horse!?! Didn't like chances of getting horse and llama on trailer to bring them both home, so declined addition to the madhouse.

Horses many wounds beautifully stitched back toether by local vet and 2 weeks later looking less sorry for herself and healing well. Doubt she'll think about heaving her big belly upwards again. Poor girl, it was her first mishap or remotely naughty thing she has done in the 9 mos we have had her and it ended in the most dramatic fashion.

Mother required medicinal glass at end of day!

Best of luck to your friend.


Well-Known Member
2 April 2006
TBH I think it is easier said then done, because the adrenaline kicks in &amp; I don’t know many people that would leave their horse to someone else in those circumstances. I have had to have 2 horses’ pts because of broken hind legs. For some reason people think they are doing you a favour by keeping you away, maybe they are, but I feel they were my horses &amp; I had a right to be there for them. I do hope your friend &amp; pony have a speedy recovery, &amp; at least they get to fight another day!! Best wishes to them both.


Well-Known Member
18 October 2006
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Its like when my horse fell on me and then ran home even though i was in so much pain (didnt really know then though) I ran after him untill a kind man picked us up. I had a sprained ankle and bruise the size of a football attached to the lower part of my leg. I dont know how I managed to run im not even fit but I did even with my injuries concussion too. Was sick when got to the yard mind lol. Nice image

the watcher

Well-Known Member
4 November 2004
in a happy place
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GTS you are quite right, I got bronc'd off on a hack, I didn't know it at the time but I had broken my hip..I just knew it hurt A LOT. i caught the horse and hobbled back to the yard and didn't actually collapse in a heap until he was untacked and safely in his field..Stupid on reflection, I should have stayed put on the ground and got the person who was riding out with me to sort him out

6 months later the consultant confirmed the damage (when it was still horribly painful) but said it was far to late to do anything by that stage..18 months after the event I still can't raise my leg more than 6 inches from the floor.

so to conclude, if somebody else is there to deal with your horse, and you are injured, I agree, let them get on with what has to be done, and get yourself treated


Well-Known Member
9 November 2005
North West
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i agree with you there. i fell off one time when i was riding bareback, pony spooked started to canter up the road then he spooked again at a yellow grit bin! jumped into the road, i fell off, flat on my face, and the pony ran up the road. blood was pouring out my nose, my friends were worried about mebut i just got up and ran after the pony! he just cantered up safely to the field

hope you friend and her pony gets better soon!


Well-Known Member
6 August 2006
West Sussex.
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I would of gone for the horse..... horses cant be replaced... well ok you might get another 16.2hh, eight year old or what ever but you can get another 5'9ft blonde again too then!

I think this just shows that horses are one of the most dangerous things none of them are predictable. Also we tend to not relise how much they are capable! Even the 25 year old school masters put people in A&amp;E!

And also...CLOSE THE GATES!!

Get well hugs to both!!