Human food safe for horses


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10 December 2008
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My friend's old mare would down a bottle of coke in one go. All you had to do was take the top of and offer her the bottle and she'd grab it in her teeth and lift her head to pour it all into her mouth. Getting the bottle off her at the end was the difficult bit!

My boys get a can of Guinness between them on Christmas morning, they love it.


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3 July 2014
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B likes his cheesy chips, and is a big fan of licking clean the ketchup from the packet.

He also likes chocolate digestives, sprite, lucozade and stole a chocolate ice cream/ice lolly thing (it was like a magnum, but more chocolatey) - I could have killed him for that as I had just unwrapped it on a very hot day and he stretched his neck as if he was having a sniff, then next thing I knew I was left with a wooden stick that had been licked clean :(

He doesn't like jaffa cakes or honey.

I would only give him proper 'human' food on very special, rare occasions, or if he steals it. I can remember another livery's old sharer brought her young daughter down one day, and I had to warn her incase B tried to eat her pringles. It was very funny hearing her telling everyone about how she stopped the attempted pringles thief :D


Well-Known Member
8 October 2013
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Mine always gets biscuits on completion of xc - started as the only means to get him to stop :D He also likes ice cream cones, though isn't too fond of ice cream itself.

I've had mixed results with crisps, old pony likes to lick off the flavour then spit out the soggy crisp.

On old yard with my previous horse, the YM used to arrive first thing and make two cups of tea in mugs. One for him, the other for my big lad! he also liked coke, used to give him the bottle and he'd tip his head up to drink it. Remember getting a very weird look from a lady in the collecting ring! :)