Hunt Sabs exposed!

Alec Swan

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20 October 2009
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If you believe all the drivel and untruths written about the hunt sabs by hunt supporters, then obviously you also believe there are fairies at the bottom of your garden. …….. .

Whilst you and those with whom you are adjoined, fail to accept that our wildlife management systems have taken centuries to evolve, and are solely responsible for the balanced (or previously so!) state of our environment, so your thoughts, which can honestly only be viewed as half-baked, will attract the ridicule of those, who despite the lunatic fringe, continue to support, promote and protect, our wildlife and the environment within which we all need to coexist.

I'm sorry, but your stance of Sab-innocence, is patently and demonstrably, wrong.


ps. I don't hunt.


Well-Known Member
28 January 2013
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If you believe all the drivel and untruths written about the hunt sabs by hunt supporters, then obviously you also believe there are fairies at the bottom of your garden. The hunts break the law on hunting and the sabs are trying to stop them doing that and trying to protect the innocent foxes who would be torn to pieces by the hounds. They are certainly not cowards - far from it. One criticism of the sabs is that they wear masks, but many of the hunt supporters are also doing it, as did some of the RAC beagle hunt at the weekend. Sabs care about the countryside and the wildlife of that countryside and are totally opposed to killing that wildlife for sport and other nefarious reasons. They would certainly not drive hounds onto a road and if you watched some of the videos you would realise that it is the complete opposite and the hunt was out of control of its hounds, and also if a trail had been laid the hounds would not be near a main road.

HAHAHAHAHA ..... This made me laugh a lot. First of all I thought it must be a wind up as no-one could be that ignorant. But then I realised that, very sadly, they could.

No fairies in my garden, I think the terriers must have managed them along with the rats!!!

Hunt Sab

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23 January 2015
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I would agree with you, but the ones who come out with us look about as much fun as a rolled up carpet.

I guess that's the level we expect!

Oh and we don't "come out with you" we monitor, record and prosecute illegal fox hunters!

Enjoy your Saturday 'thrill' because, yes... we do too! :mad:)

Alec Swan

Well-Known Member
20 October 2009
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…….. and prosecute illegal fox hunters!


I wouldn't get too carried away, just yet. The lunatic fringe have yet to be granted powers of prosecution! :D Even that veritable collection of clowns, the rspca have come in for serious criticism from the judicial bodies, and have had the point raised, again by the judiciary conceding their colossal waste of innocently donated funds, which have all so often been donated by the gullible.



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2 March 2011
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....we monitor, record and prosecute illegal fox hunters....

Not too successfully it would seem, there have been only a handful of successful convictions under the Hunting Act involving hunts, several in relation to staghound packs. Over 97% of convictions under the Act relate to casual hunting or ‘poaching’ and, yet another case collapsed today, with charges against the Lunesdale dropped following weak evidence identifying a person (incorrectly) as the huntsman simply because he happened to be close to the hounds (which incidently means I've hunted hounds loads of time ;-)), a rock falling down a mountain said to be a fox(!!??), photographic evidence submitted which was of a completely different pack and 'video evidence' which had been edited and arrived just before the trial (hmmm, wonder what was going on there then?).

I am not saying all hunts are saints and all sabs are sinners. There do seem to have been many cases that have fallen due to questionable (possibly fabricated) evidence, if all hunts are constantly breaking the law whilst being monitored on a weekly basis, 1/. I would expect more prosecutions, 2/. I would expect the evidence to be pretty damning and 3/. I would expect the majority of those prosecutions to be successful. As it stands cases are rare and the success rate marginal.

As for the comment, 'If you believe all the drivel and untruths written about the hunt sabs by hunt supporters, then obviously you also believe there are fairies at the bottom of your garden.' Well, there has been a good deal of drivel and untruths written by sabs about hunts too (been involved in some of it!), fact is that whenever you have two groups with opposing views, unfortunately, sane discussion all too often just disintegrates into what appears like playground 'name calling' and often exagerated 'stories' both trying to 'take the high ground' and failing because of their prejudiced views.

The simple fact is that sabs will say and do anything to try to undermine hunters and vice versa, thats's why most recording of hunts is simply video of people on horses or driving doing nothing illegal, possibly an attempt to harass those individuals in to doing something stupid, hunts responding by recording those recording them for the same reasons result a total waste of everyone's phone/camera memory!

Somewhere in between all this propoganda is the truth, which you'll never hear because those that would proffer it are drowned out by the noise at the extreme ends of the argument so often they just choose to be silently wise.
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15 January 2015
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Somewhere in between all this propoganda is the truth, which you'll never hear because those that would proffer it are drowned out by the noise at the extreme ends of the argument so often they just choose to be silently wise.[/QUOTE]

Absolutely correct - well said
The argument apart from the foxes demise appears to be a divide of the classes
When will these sabs learn that all types of people hunt - on my hunt there were dustbin men - good and honest and hard working citizens who choose to spend their hard earned cash on their hobby of hunting - they should be able to enjoy their day -its still town verses country - country people are well aware of the harm foxes do and therefore the need for them to be controlled in a civilised way which foxhunting did - townies see the beautiful fox and want to feed it in their garden - it picks out of the dustbins and feels safe in their environment where it doesn't get chased - wait till it causes more harm there - what will they do ??
will they send out the vermin control or maybe it will be the rat catcher the pied piper of Hamlin or maybe they will ask the hunt to help !!!


Well-Known Member
30 November 2005
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I guess that's the level we expect!

Oh and we don't "come out with you" we monitor, record and prosecute illegal fox hunters!

Enjoy your Saturday 'thrill' because, yes... we do too! :mad:)

Good evening Hunt Sab.

I'm afraid that isn't what our local group seem to do. I'm sure their intentions are entirely honourable, but they seem a rather hapless bunch. If they aren't trying to push their minivan out of the muddy gate way they are stuck in, they are terrorising small children on ponies, or molesting aged car followers.

I've actually been there when hunt sabs have tried to call hounds onto busy roads, away from the huntsman. I understand why you would want to take the hounds off of the hunt staff, and I commend some of you in your skill with a horn, but honestly, why onto a road? Yes, obviously it will upset us all a great deal, however if you are, as you claim, animal rights activists, this seems to contradict your cause somewhat, additionally, it really is mindless cruelty.


Well-Known Member
4 October 2012
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They are also successful when the hounds etc are packed up around 4-5....yep because we normally hunt till 10pm :D

I just don't think 5-6 hours hunting is very good value for money really ! should at least be a good 10 hours hunting , hedge hopping in the dark! what fun :)

When will people just learn to live and let live? If only hunt sabs put all the effort in to something useful that would eventually achieve something, they might have something to show for it. All I keep seeing is photos of "beautiful foxes" and comments about how pretty they are, I bet a lot of hunt sabs have put down rat poison or used other methods of killing vermin (there is no kind way to do it) that are far more cruel- but rats are not pretty are they? And I suppose that is just an example of how surface level their argument / reasoning is.


Well-Known Member
25 October 2010
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Sabs are a bunch of riot loving aggressive *****. They think they are doing good by saving a fox - yet have no problem with the fact if hunting ended the dogs would all be shot, horses all shot, lambs and chickens would all die a lot more..

They use a lot of biased statistics to try and justify their violent and terrorist actions but they are really just out for fun.

Honestly who in their right mind will try to scare a horse that a child is on to try and make it bolt the opposite way of the hunt (this happened here at a local)

Im not a pro-hunter, i don't hunt, i don't like blood sports, but seriously..there is a line and these "activists" have crossed it.

I genuinely believe that most of them are just out for a fight, as i have seen some of them with "training" in fighting that some folk of a certain breed would have. Who do NOT have any animal welfare in mind..
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Well-Known Member
18 September 2012
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Wow so these people are against hunting animals but are fine with killing hounds and possibly horses and their riders? ***** must be really scary dealing with lunatics? Apparently we have some over here I yet to see any but I hope it doesn't get like this.


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18 January 2006
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Equi I am of the same stance as you. I used to hunt but to be honest my local hunt are boring & not worth muddying my boots for. I also have fallen out of love with them after last year, bringing the whole hunt up our drive, past my stables (where my horses were) & across our back garden & back fields to access the farmers fields at the back of our place 😡
Even though it was pointed out to the hunt staff by several of my friends out with them that they didn't have permission to be there I never received an apology!
I do prefer to bloodhound, much faster & fun.

However I will never condone the actions of hunt sabs when it is violent & causes harm to horses or hounds & I will defend any hunt from them.


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3 February 2015
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you are the bullies and cowards for going hunting in the first place, don't start blaming the sabs because if you lot did not exist then the sabs would'nt either. You hunters are just a bunch of sicko's


Well-Known Member
28 January 2013
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Alec Swan

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20 October 2009
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There's another FB site which involves HSs, and one woman from America said that hounds were often lost and killed in road accidents, and caught in 'fur traps'. I agreed with her, and suggested that it was a pertinent and advisory tale and that I too had once been caught in such a manner, and that it was only by guile that I avoided marrying the bitch. My post survived for about 3 minutes! It was removed, I can't think why, I was only agreeing with her. :)



Well-Known Member
7 November 2008
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There's another FB site which involves HSs, and one woman from America said that hounds were often lost and killed in road accidents, and caught in 'fur traps'. I agreed with her, and suggested that it was a pertinent and advisory tale and that I too had once been caught in such a manner, and that it was only by guile that I avoided marrying the bitch. My post survived for about 3 minutes! It was removed, I can't think why, I was only agreeing with her. :)


You really should look at that site Alec ,It will make you smile ,even some of the pro hunt have been caught out!


Well-Known Member
3 August 2012
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The Curre used to be my hunt many many moons ago and I have no doubts at all that none involved with the hunt would put any of their own people, horses or hounds in danger. I hope this gets escalated...and quickly!!

Alec Swan

Well-Known Member
20 October 2009
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You really should look at that site Alec ,It will make you smile , …….. !

I have and it did! The sab-site which I mentioned, was another! Perhaps they don't like me because I'm a wealthy land-owning-toff. If only they knew the truth! :D

They're fun though, for all that! :)



Well-Known Member
28 January 2013
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You really should look at that site Alec ,It will make you smile ,even some of the pro hunt have been caught out!

WWHS are becoming so successful I see that other groups are copying their strategy! Worth watching! And although Lush have had a lot of stick for their support of the HSA, it is good to see a sab group supporting their local brewery.


8 March 2014
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I tweeted about this incident & I've received some 'interesting' replies. Obviously it was the hunts fault for being next to the road - my query that surely this proves the hunt were hunting within the law as following a trail in a field next to a road would be considered safe unlike following an unpredictable Charlie hasn't been replied to....funny that.
I've now been told by antis that the hounds will be shot by the hunt for breaking from the pack. They've grown up in the countryside dontcha know they know what goes on. [sigh]
I've never before got involved in a debate about hunting with antis. Now I see why...the ones messaging me aren't coming across as the particularly intelligent :D (one is claiming all people who hunt are fat!) I'm happy with decisions I have made to hunt. I am also happy to debate the pros/cons of hunting. I also have no need to cover my face when I go hunting.

I hunt 2 days a week in Dorset and am ashamed to admit I am a bit fat!! FWIW!


Well-Known Member
31 March 2013
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"Local" sab site has a picture of a "hero" holding/cuddling a "rescued" fox ..."sound asleep in their arms"....comments like "how lovely" "first thing I noticed was how relaxed it was in your arms"
Was it now..
Was it as relaxed as ..oh I don't know....a stuffed toy..perhaps... ??
that neat little smile and stitched on/inaccurate closed eyes..just maybe..??

"Who could chase that to its death and tear it to shreds?!"
Well inanimate stuffed objects rarely nobody.

But by all means go on cuddling your stuffed toy.

(I didn't actually write anything on there..not worth the time of day)


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21 January 2015
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That is exactly the sort of reply I expect from the hunting brigade. You have no other answer except to be rude. The facts are very simple, fox hunting with hounds is illegal, whichever way you want to look at it. Sabs are there , whether you like it or not , to prevent this illegal activity, which is also inhumane and cruel to the fox.