Hunter Trials Questions ?????????????????????


Well-Known Member
27 March 2007
Cloud cuckoo land!
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As a first timer - what would I need to know about Hunter Trialling my way through the winter (for fun)???????????

Never done it before so I need to know everything please, hints, tips, pit falls, do's don'ts and how to walk the course if there's already a competition in full swing???????????

Thanks in anticipation


Well-Known Member
13 February 2008
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not sure you mean by through the winter, but I'll try and help.

Working in is the same as SJ - it'll be busy, keep your wits about you and make sure you do the practice jump the right way (red flag on your right). Once you are nearly done working in, report to the steward. You'll either have a time, or they will be taking names for a running order.

Do - walk the course thoroughly, counting the numbers to make sure you don't miss a fence. - look at the course plan before & after. Keep the red flags on your right.

Do - try to walk it alone or with a knowledgable friend, don't chat your way round, look at each jump, the ground before and after, consider the line you will take and how you will ride each fence. As you are walking, walk the line you would like to ride, pay attention to the ground looking for any stoney bits, boggy bits, rutted bits etc.

Don't - get in the way if you are walking the course during the comp. - listen out for the stewards whistle, they'll blow it as a horse approaches to clear the track. Keep an eye out yourself as well and be aware of horses between the fences. Stand well back while the horse jumps or passes, then continue on. This is quite a good time to walk as you'll see how each fence is riding and how the ground is holding up.

Do - remember your medical arm band & back protector. Take a neckstrap too - even if you don't normally ride with one, it can be useful over those ditches and drops.

Don't - forget to pass through the finish marker - it's normally straight after the last jump, but sometimes can be quite a bit after it. Your not finished till you pass through that.

Don't worry about trotting to a jump or going steady if you aren't sure about it - you don't NEED to gallop all the way round - better to be clear with time penalties than have run outs. But still ride forwards and attack the fence confidently what ever pace you are in.

Keep your stirrups shorter than normal. Sit up over your fences more than you would for sj, DO NOT lean forward doing a downhill jump or a drop and make sure you look up over all the obstacles.

HAVE FUN - You and your horse will LOVE it.

Once you are done, it's best to dismount, loosen your girth and walk the horse till he stops blowing (some people remain mounted to do this as their horses can be sky high to try and lead - do what's safest for you although if you remain mounted don't loosen the girth) Once your horse has calmed down get off and walk it.

Then back at the trailer boots off and wash the sweat off and soak/cool down his legs, checking for lumps, swelling or cuts - take the saddle off last, wash the saddle area quickly and pop a cooler or two on to keep the chill of his back muscles and walk him some more. till his temperature & breathing regulates.

don't offer him lots of water immediately to drink. Wait till he is cool and if he wants to drink lots, give him it in short regular drinks till he's had his fill.

Oh, there's quite a lot to think about isn't there. Don't worry, if you are unsure just pick someone knowledgeble and copy them. Don't be scared to ask for advice/help.


Well-Known Member
27 March 2007
Cloud cuckoo land!
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Thank you for the reply.

I thought the hunter trial season was Sept ish until April ish???????

I figured novice stuff won't have complicated fences? Amy I dumb and naieve!!!!!!!!! LOL!!!!!!!!!!

I got this crazy idea after doing the Cirencester Park Fun Ride jumping the optional fences after not jumping any XC fences for 25 years!!!!!!!! I think I'm bonkers!!!!!!! But my mare was fantastic, she took hold of the bridles and said "Come on Mum, this is how its done!!" I just had to keep up!!! LOL!!!!

Some say there are gates to do? Are there any roads and tracks or is that in Horse Trials?


Well-Known Member
15 January 2009
South Somerset
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To add to the above:

When you are going round if you are going slowly, or have had problems. Keep an eye out for faster horses coming up from behind and move over to let them past.

Its a good idea to go schooling before you do a competition, so you can practice over some XC fences. Maybe take a friend to give some leads? In the same vein if you have a partner the 'pairs' class can be a good introduction.

When you are choosing which class to enter first, start at a height smaller then you currently SJ. i.e. If you SJ at 2'6", start with 2'3" XC.

Anyway good luck and have fun!


Well-Known Member
27 March 2007
Cloud cuckoo land!
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SJ - sorry, ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!!! We don't showjump!!!!!!!!! LOL!!!!!! I figured I could have fun hacking round a Hunter Trial Course!!!!!!!! Gotta be more fun that showing, dressage or SJ!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm realising that I'm just plain old naive!!!!!! LOL!!!!!!!

Thanks for the extra info.


Well-Known Member
10 February 2008
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to add to the above...

Hunter Trials tend to be between March and September...they dont tend to be a winter thing.

You wear cross country colours and you are marked (penalty wise) on going too slow and too fast...there is an optimum time which you have to try and get to. usually the speed is 380mph for a HT. and in showjumping they are usually around dont gallop round or you'll be too fast...just a forward canter will do for a HT

have fun! you'll love it


Well-Known Member
27 March 2007
Cloud cuckoo land!
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Surely you mean mpm, not mph? That would be one HELL of a fast ride!

[/ QUOTE ]

I thought that would be a little faster than my horse can go!!! She does have legendary racehorse breeding but I don't think even those legends could gallop that fast!!! LOL!!!!!!!