Hunting in even more trouble now then


Well-Known Member
27 July 2017
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The Berks and Bucks black and tans put out a statement to state not only have hounds been moved but also with immediate effect that they have no association with that person. Very much immediate disassociation.
The black and tans are very well thought of locally, as also Staff College drag hunt.

Good on them! I haven't watched the video because I can't bring myself to. And I don't really read the other hunting thread so having this one was helpful. The very few dealings I've had with the Staff College drag hunt have all been positive. I can see that the only hunting that will continue (because this keep happening) will be drag hunting and trail hunting with die out.

And while I absolutely agree there is certainly cruelty in many other aspects of life, those aren't the point of this thread.


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14 September 2020
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Yes, that was my understanding too. I can't quite understand why they would 'need' association with the AVH. But I expect their departure from that orbit was pretty speedy!!
I suspect it was more the case that the AV needed them as due to their behaviour they are constantly losing land to hunt on,so need to make deals with other hunts. But even where a land owner has told them they're no longer welcome, they'll hunt on their land without permission (and illegally of course ).


Well-Known Member
13 July 2020
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I am not anti hunting (although anti law breaking of course) but even in other countries where it is legal, the act of using terriers is absolutely disgusting.

I have hunted in Ireland but specifically found a hunt who do not use terriers or dig the fox out. If it goes to ground, then its left alone. As it should be.


Well-Known Member
17 October 2016
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I am not sure where the idea that Berks and Bucks Draghounds shared kennels with Avon Vale as the B&B Drag hunt kennels are in Lambourn. They function in a totally different area to The Avon Vale. This is B&B Drag website There is no mention that Stuart Radbourne is a hunt official on that webpage.

The Avon Vale country was roughly the area between Bath, Chippenham, Devizes and Frome. As a 12 year old I went to a meet on my pony I hacked to it as it was at a place called Brokerswood. The Avon Vale Hunt website has been taken down so I cannot verify exactly where the hunt kennels were most likely close to Lacock. Three men have been arrested and as one of them probably lives at the kennels that might confirm Lacock as the hunt kennels location.

Stuart Radbourne lives at Bromham

I do not condone in anyway the actions seen in the video but am uncomfortable that a perhaps totally innocent organisation B&B Drag might get tainted by opinion without facts to back up statements being made on this thread. If I have missed facts or statements I apologise but I have not found a statement from B&B Drag about the AVH.
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Adjusting my sails
13 May 2007
Northern Ireland
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I am not sure where the idea that Berks and Bucks Draghounds shared kennels with Avon Vale as the B&B Drag hunt kennels are in Lambourn. They function in a totally different area to The Avon Vale. This is B&B Drag website There is no mention that Stuart Radbourne is a hunt official on that webpage.

The Avon Vale country was roughly the area between Bath, Chippenham, Devizes and Frome. As a 12 year old I went to a meet on my pony I hacked to it as it was at a place called Brokerswood. The Avon Vale Hunt website has been taken down so I cannot verify exactly where the hunt kennels were most likely close to Lacock. Three men have been arrested and as one of them probably lives at the kennels that might confirm Lacock as the hunt kennels location.

Stuart Radbourne lives at Bromham

I do not condone in anyway the actions seen in the video but am uncomfortable that a perhaps totally innocent organisation B&B Drag might get tainted by opinion without facts to back up statements being made on this thread. If I have missed facts or statements I apologise but I have not found a statement from B&B Drag about the AVH.

Check out their Facebook page (B&B) and the comments re the association with the AVH.


Well-Known Member
27 July 2012
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I am not anti hunting (although anti law breaking of course) but even in other countries where it is legal, the act of using terriers is absolutely disgusting.

I have hunted in Ireland but specifically found a hunt who do not use terriers or dig the fox out. If it goes to ground, then its left alone. As it should be.

The use of terriers to dig out a fox is legal. I know many people who feel the same as you and for me, that element was always difficult but it is something that is still seen as a skill and remains a legitimate form of pest control. It should always be done as efficiently and quietly as possible by people who have the skill and knowledge to do this. I always hoped that a fox that went to ground would be left but sometimes a landowner requests that it is despatched.


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14 September 2020
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Harry Mayo is the blundering member of the hunt scum who got Radbourne arrested and Avon Vale shut down. Apparently he posted the video public on his Facebook page 🤦🏻‍♀️ . Well I always knew these psychopaths weren't the smartest- but good work Harry. Now you're hated by hunt scum and the antis ! 🤣

I understand that Radbourne and Fookes have been to magistrates court today- does anyone know the outcome ?


Well-Known Member
27 August 2020
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I think you probably also need to consider many other situations where people are 'freely walking about who are capable of such violence and apparantly completely devoid of empathy for another living creature.' There are many, many incidents of appalling cruelty, barbarism and vileness toward animals in our current society. The slaughter industry, all stages of food production and animal sport and the pet trade. This behaviour is certainly not confined to or even centred around hunting - very far from it.

I never said to the contrary. Only that witnessing such displays of violence are a horrible reminder that such people walk among us and are capable of doing terrible things to the innocent.

I disagree with your last sentence because year after year, violent, criminal acts are committed by many of those who hunt. I cannot think of another organised sport or hobby with such a record. I debated bothering to respond because I know that you hunt and you do seem a bit in denial about how bad things look to the majority of people - I know that I will not change your mind so let me make it clear that my response is not with the intent of doing that.

If anything someone like me should be biased towards hunting as an equestrian, as someone who has friends/acquaintances who hunt. But I can only see the deep rooted corruption and the suffering, year on year. I'm sure that many more incidents like the above happen when no-one is watching and no-one is filming.

I don't think that trail hunting should continue for the minority who do follow the law. Because it is becoming ever clearer that those people such as yourself are in the minority, and until hunting is completely banned, there will be more unnecessary suffering. I don't think a hobby warrants all of the drama that comes with it, and I truly think it's only a matter of time before someone gets killed.

Snow Falcon

Hoping for drier days
1 July 2008
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I disagree with your last sentence because year after year, violent, criminal acts are committed by many of those who hunt.

Really? Where are the statistics for that please?

Disgusting behaviour. I have changed my opinion on hunting since I was younger. Although I do have to say that my local hunts provide a valuable fallen stock service in my area.

Most Curious

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22 April 2022
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I'm new to horse riding. From what I gathered the issue of fox hunting had been sorted out years ago. The fox hunting act came into force back in 2004 making it illegal to kill foxes using packs of hounds, is this still the case ?
In the past few weeks I have viewed a whole series of anti fox hunting videos, filmed and uploaded onto Youtube.
I was shocked to see there is still conflict between the Anti fox hunting society SAB and the traditional fox hunters.
The idea of trail hunting seems a great idea. Plus the fact if my girlfriend discovered I was fox hunting she would dump me straight away.


Well-Known Member
12 August 2017
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I'm new to horse riding. From what I gathered the issue of fox hunting had been sorted out years ago. The fox hunting act came into force back in 2004 making it illegal to kill foxes using packs of hounds, is this still the case ?
In the past few weeks I have viewed a whole series of anti fox hunting videos, filmed and uploaded onto Youtube.
I was shocked to see there is still conflict between the Anti fox hunting society SAB and the traditional fox hunters.
The idea of trail hunting seems a great idea. Plus the fact if my girlfriend discovered I was fox hunting she would dump me straight away.

The hunts are all supposed to be just hunting a pre laid trail (not a fox), and that is what they all claim to do. Some hunts still hunt fox though (illegally) behind the pretence of trail hunting legally. Most (if not all) people on this forum who hunt follow packs that are following the law and trail hunting (whether they were happy to hunt fox pre-ban or not), but it has got to the point that most of us believe that trail hunting is at risk of being banned outright now due to the large number of idiotic hunts that are still insisting on breaking the law. Some of the illegally-hunting hunts are quite brazen and arrogant about it which certainly doesn't help their reputation with anyone who disagrees with trail hunting continuing or anyone who trail hunts and wishes to continue doing so.

You are correct that following a pack of hounds and allowing/encouraging them to chase and kill a fox (or other animal) is illegal and has been for nearly 20 years now. Hunting discussions can seem a bit heated sometimes on this forum but I think the majority (possibly all) ultimately agree that people shouldn't be breaking the law and hunting illegally. There is some disagreement over whether legal trail hunting should continue or not as some want their sport to go on, and some are worried that if it does it will continue to provide a smoke screen for hunts acting illegally.

I hope that quick attempt at a summary helps, and gives you an idea of where we are at in the discussion :)


Well-Known Member
22 January 2014
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I have hunted with I think 7 different packs across the south of England. Hunting has been the making of my current and precious two horses. I’ve had some of the best days of my life out hunting.

However, I think it’s done. The only way I can see to move forward from here is drag/bloodhounds. But I’m not sure what that would do to all the hounds currently trail hunting, as I assume they can’t just simply be retrained.

It’s very sad but unfortunately people like Stuart have ruined it for everyone else.


Well-Known Member
25 November 2005
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The photo of that guy holding fox knocks me sick! That is no different to cock fighting or bear baiting, dog fightin. That man hang your head in damn shame. That’s not about the country side but pure blood lust. Sick. Me someone who loved the tradition without kill. That photo proves it cannot happen. Hate to say it but ban all hunting with dogs.

Hunting with dogs is banned.

They are acting illegally.


Well-Known Member
10 August 2018
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Not only did they break the law, but they were stupid enough to allow people to film them doing so.

Words fail me…

I don’t hunt, never have, but if my son ever wanted to, I’d pick a bloodhound pack.


Well-Known Member
7 September 2004
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Quite frankly I think AV have just proven what is still going on behind the scenes at (I will stick my neck out and say …) the majority of fox/trail hunts.

The anti’s know it, the pros know it (but claim they are doing it all legal 😜).

Quite frankly I hope it is the end of trail hunting with foxhounds. There is no place for it in the modern world, which makes me sound massively anti (and I’m really not!)


Well-Known Member
6 November 2004
North East Scotland
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Disgusting. Hopefully the whole idea of "hunting" will be banned completely very soon. No need for it whatsoever in this day and age. I have always been firmly anti and certainly nothing can change my mind on that, especially dreadful things like this. What awful awful people, those men should be banned from even touching an animal (including pets) forever more.


Well-Known Member
22 August 2020
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It's getting absolutely ridiculous. Every week there is a tit for tat argument going on between the sabs and the hunts. This weekend was the master of the Cottesmore jumping a gate and near wiping out a sab. We know the cott hunt illegally, what gives them the moral high ground to report the same!?? Pathetic on both sides. The sooner its Al banned the better.


Well-Known Member
17 August 2005
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What awful awful people, those men should be banned from even touching an animal (including pets) forever more.
I completely agree, they should be banned from keeping animals for life. I do hope it comes to court, although seeing as Patrick O’Shea only got a suspended sentence for his bit of fox torture you have to wonder if a) it will and b) will they get much punishment.


Well-Known Member
27 July 2012
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I completely agree, they should be banned from keeping animals for life. I do hope it comes to court, although seeing as Patrick O’Shea only got a suspended sentence for his bit of fox torture you have to wonder if a) it will and b) will they get much punishment.

I couldn't agree more. I can't understand the reluctance to give a much more serious sentence. Very depressing.