I have noticed the tide has turned quite dramatically in favour of Hunting. I urge everyone not to forget this issue at the ballot box and don't let the Tories fudge it. Make sure to you aren't voting for someone like Anne Widdecombe: just because they may be Conservative doesn't mean they are pro Hunting.
I had an argument by email with her over the Guards Busbies. I have a small fashion company and was at the time buying some furs from the Cree in Canada. They mainly derive income from Fur trade and Hunting tourism to this day; and hence their areas like Saskatchewan are still a wilderness:
Hunting of any kind can only exist if habitat is protected, so its the best line of defence against habitat destruction.
Her retort was unbelievably ignorant; she did not know who the Cree were; yet she was happy to ban bearskins. The skins come from an ancient treaty with the Cree to supply them. They are from bears that have to be culled anyway rather than Grizzlies or Kodiaks.
So don't assume Tories to necessarily be pro Hunt.
I am also concerned they may fudge the issue once in or not want to commit to repealing it.
Having said that Labour in bringing in bans on both Hunting and Smoking have followed in the footsteps of none other than the Nazis. Yes they banned both too; and the origins of modern animal rights ideology and even the very phrase came from Heinrich Himmler.
Here are a few useful links to read more about that:
This is Mark Almond professor of history at Oxford who points out the dangers of banning either before they did so:
Animal Rights is an insidious ideology. It sounds okay to those who like animals so have sympathy with it. However undermining it is the idea that enlightened people do not kill animals, for any reason. That means anyone who hunts, wears fur, eats meat, etc is not enlightened , and therefore inferior. It therefore is committed moral elitism and ultimately racism. Hence you get these Labour MPs coming out with phrases like 'barabaric' and 'savage'. The Nazis did the same; and we know where their moral superiority led.
The Labour Party were in receipt of a £million donation from PAL, run by Tony Banks sister, linked to IFAW, a dreadful US animal rights organisation who you can read about here:
The world Conservation Union actually repeatedly rejected applications for them to join so they have no credibility in the real Conservation world yet have directed UK Government Policy. The organisation has always used dodgy propaganda including using snuff movies:
The tide against hunting has turned and most people are now pro hunt and sick of Animal Rights; especially after it was revealed that PETA did this:
So to me Labour have been compromised and nobody should ever vote for them again until all links with animal rights groups cease.
The change in public opinion has been the result of years of educating the public as to the conservation benefits, the heritage, the Libertarian argument, and the fact it remains the only discriminate method of control. Make sure now the politicans don't forget about it.
Most people agree with good animal welfare and good Conservation practice; those are a completely polarised view from the twisted logic of Animal Rights which must never taint politics again.
I had an argument by email with her over the Guards Busbies. I have a small fashion company and was at the time buying some furs from the Cree in Canada. They mainly derive income from Fur trade and Hunting tourism to this day; and hence their areas like Saskatchewan are still a wilderness:
Hunting of any kind can only exist if habitat is protected, so its the best line of defence against habitat destruction.
Her retort was unbelievably ignorant; she did not know who the Cree were; yet she was happy to ban bearskins. The skins come from an ancient treaty with the Cree to supply them. They are from bears that have to be culled anyway rather than Grizzlies or Kodiaks.
So don't assume Tories to necessarily be pro Hunt.
I am also concerned they may fudge the issue once in or not want to commit to repealing it.
Having said that Labour in bringing in bans on both Hunting and Smoking have followed in the footsteps of none other than the Nazis. Yes they banned both too; and the origins of modern animal rights ideology and even the very phrase came from Heinrich Himmler.
Here are a few useful links to read more about that:
This is Mark Almond professor of history at Oxford who points out the dangers of banning either before they did so:
Animal Rights is an insidious ideology. It sounds okay to those who like animals so have sympathy with it. However undermining it is the idea that enlightened people do not kill animals, for any reason. That means anyone who hunts, wears fur, eats meat, etc is not enlightened , and therefore inferior. It therefore is committed moral elitism and ultimately racism. Hence you get these Labour MPs coming out with phrases like 'barabaric' and 'savage'. The Nazis did the same; and we know where their moral superiority led.
The Labour Party were in receipt of a £million donation from PAL, run by Tony Banks sister, linked to IFAW, a dreadful US animal rights organisation who you can read about here:
The world Conservation Union actually repeatedly rejected applications for them to join so they have no credibility in the real Conservation world yet have directed UK Government Policy. The organisation has always used dodgy propaganda including using snuff movies:
The tide against hunting has turned and most people are now pro hunt and sick of Animal Rights; especially after it was revealed that PETA did this:
So to me Labour have been compromised and nobody should ever vote for them again until all links with animal rights groups cease.
The change in public opinion has been the result of years of educating the public as to the conservation benefits, the heritage, the Libertarian argument, and the fact it remains the only discriminate method of control. Make sure now the politicans don't forget about it.
Most people agree with good animal welfare and good Conservation practice; those are a completely polarised view from the twisted logic of Animal Rights which must never taint politics again.