Not very horsey, but thought I would ask as someone might know. I have a saluki and I know she would have a field day chasing some hares and rabbits! I know it sounds a little mean but they are bred to hunt gazelles! Does anyone know if this is still legal? She's not great with strange dogs so would probably get a land owners permission and just go with my parents and dogs. I would love to take my mastiff but she wouldn't hurt a fly but would love the day out! Would be lovely lovely lovely to bring my 14.2hh pony as well since he has never been to something like that and to keep up with my dogs! My dad used to hunt with ferrets and dogs and also done a lot of shooting when he was younger so is experienced. I have a ferret but she's too dopey to know what to do
So does anyone know where this would be possible around Essex, Hertfordshire areas or any land owners who would allow this? Thanks!