hypermobility syndrome (HMS) does it limit you?


Well-Known Member
8 December 2011
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Another one pulling up a chair in the HMS corner... :D

Now I'm older I've managed to start to break bones instead of just pulling tendons or ligaments... Oh joy of joys... Apparently everything bends so far the bones crack before the soft tissue breaks so tripping over a (don't laugh) disability ramp being built resulted in a broken ankle, a hole in a field the next year was the other ankle and an elbow... Throw in brain surgery for an extreme arnold chiari malformation with brain stem involvement and some lasering away of the bits that deal with balance and I'm pretty useless on my feet these days...

Although still being able to do the splits in late forties is a good party trick - even if it does require Mr Dragon to get me back up again... :D

I cant believe I never tried it before. But 4 sessions and I am a new person. Honestly people get your core stability sorted and you will improve soooo much. I have much reduced pain in hips, knees and ankles and less back ache too.

There's a lot of truth in this I think Marley... When I was younger being highly flexible was a great help as a fairly high level gymnast... As I got older, so long as I was a lean weight and very toned there was very little pain - the last pregnancy caused havoc with my pelvis and parked me on my backside for a while and then a bereavement and the surgery did the same... Being terribly unfit now and carrying some extra weight has really allowed the HMS to run riot I think... A bit of a viscous cycle - the ACM means I can't do anything that raises the pressure of the brain/spinal fluid which makes exercising hard but I need to do something to help the HMS... Trying to stay positive though which due to other circumstances/experiences, might be a bit easier for me than for some...

Good tip about the long boots... I think I'll look into that option when the next grant instalment (old student here) comes through... :)


Well-Known Member
23 November 2011
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I was always told that riding was good for HMS as its low impact on the joints, provided you dont fall off :p as is swimming and kettlebells.

Lmao at the splits bit DL - I can never understand why people are so amazed by that phenomenon ! Have to say my flexibility is slightly less now than what it was when I danced a lot, and I have less pain. I think because its hard for us freaks to know whats the normal range of movement and not push past it into our normal, im not always over stretching things now. Weights has helped with that no end, tightening me up all over.


Well-Known Member
5 September 2011
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Hello fellow sufferers!
I'm so glad i've found you all :)

Ive had this for 10 years but the last year I have become increasingly worse (i'm 27 now)
I have it in my ankles, knees, hips, back, shoulders and wrists.

I dont seem to have a huge amount of trouble riding, although I have to wear good ankle support and have endurance stirrups with a larger tred. And can sometimes do a comedy dismount after endurance rides when my legs give out and I land on my ass!!
However, most other things are a struggle, working in an office sat at a computer typing, driving, poo picking! (those pooper scoop forks are a killer! i cant use them anymore) walking down stairs, standing up for hours on end (I dont like shopping with friends and waiting outside changing rooms :) )

Last week I went to the Doctor with my wrist (i've sprained it ever 2 weeks for months) and my hips and knees (keeping me awake at night aching) and was basically told there was nothing they could do for me "its just how you are put together" !!
I'm so down hearted! I cant believe I have to live with the pain everyday for the rest of my life!!
I'm trying to put some methods in place to allow me to mitigate against injuries, i'm buying a set of chain harrows so I can strip graze my horses and dont have to poo pick. Trying to get an orthopedic chair for work etc....

I've read this and hearing of all your struggles makes me feel worse but at least i'm not alone but it looks like I have a life of this now. I dont take pain killers or any type of drug for it as I think if I have this for ever then I dont want to start taking lots of drugs and damaging my stomach etc. I use heat packs and brace the bits that are struggling when I can.

Thank you all for sharing your experiences.
