Hypnotherapy? Psychologist? What would help fear of loss of control?


21 April 2022
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So, my experience of the course was much more mixed than I was expecting! It’s obviously a very personal thing (and has clearly been great for a lot of people), so if anyone wants more details, I’m happy to share over PM!

But I will definitely be thinking more about breaking things down into bite size pieces, much smaller ones than I would otherwise have thought, and working on each tiny step until you’re totally bored of it. I’m certainly guilty of breaking things down into smaller steps, but then rushing through them! I think that will be a helpful way of thinking about things for me, and is something positive I will take away from the course.


Well-Known Member
27 February 2023
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So, my experience of the course was much more mixed than I was expecting! It’s obviously a very personal thing (and has clearly been great for a lot of people), so if anyone wants more details, I’m happy to share over PM!

But I will definitely be thinking more about breaking things down into bite size pieces, much smaller ones than I would otherwise have thought, and working on each tiny step until you’re totally bored of it. I’m certainly guilty of breaking things down into smaller steps, but then rushing through them! I think that will be a helpful way of thinking about things for me, and is something positive I will take away from the course.

I would love to know your thoughts on it please, if you could PM me. 👍


Afraid of exorcism
5 October 2015
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I think a good instructor goes a very long way to helping.

I did an Aspire confidence course and couldn't belive what I achieved but it helped that the instructors (who didn't know me or my horse) broke everything down and made it all feasible and possible.

There's also one instructor who sticks in my head. I have to admit, she wasn't my favourite but when I'm having a panic moment, it's her voice I hear in my head telling me to just sit down and ride.

I think Karl Greenwood's book might actually be some sort of clever subliminal hypnosis. It really did help me change my mind set.


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22 November 2022
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Karl Greenwood's book and YouTube have been really useful to me and I know others on here have found his stuff really helpful for confidence. I have a similar block about canter at the moment, and I haven't actually been tanked off with or fallen off! That probably doesn't make me a great example of overcoming it as I haven't got there...yet. I do have confidence that what I am doing is all building blocks to get me where I want to be though, and that I am remembering to enjoy all the steps on the way instead of classic me beating myself up that I haven't done it yet.
What book by Karl greenwood do you recommend?

Muddy unicorn

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17 June 2018
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The one I've got is called 'Control your stress and enjoy your horse - confidence strategies for pleasure riding'. There are some useful bits but I'm struggling a bit with it to be honest as the main premise is the reason you're nervous is because you or other people are expecting you to be and that when things go wrong, in the vast majority of cases nothing really bad happens. Now, before my accident, I wasn't nervous - I'd fallen off a few times but had landed (mostly) ok and the worst thing that had happened was my breeches got ripped and I had a few bruises. As far as I was concerned, most of the time you didn't fall off, but when you did nothing bad happened. Unfortunately I found out that's not always the case .. my plan now is to break things down into small chunks and work on each little building block until I'm thoroughly bored! I'm also going to go out for some long hacks at a trekking centre to learn how to relax again in the saddle.


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5 December 2010
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I got hynotherapy one to one with a specialist. it was expensive and took three sessions but it was the best thing I ever did. I had had a very serious accident and it fixed me 100%. I found the fact that it was customised to me and one-to-one that made it effective. i was a new woman after it, would highly recommend it. the important thing is to check the qualifications of the person - a good hypnotherapist will be expensive and busy!